A week long trip to the Italian Alps to show you how to create your own EU riding adventures. If you want to explore the EU by motorcycle on your own but are a little nervous about how to go about it then this tour is for you. You'll learn about routing, rentals, what to pack, where to stay, how to eat, cultural barriers, cameras, traffic norms, and of course how to get by when you don't speak the language. You should be an intermediate to advanced skilled rider and who views obstacles as a chance for adventure. This event is created and run by 10 year tour operator veteran. Cat will step out of his role as a guide to be your teacher and engage you in some hands one real world training. Miss Emma from Motorcycles & Misfits podcast will join us and give you some valuable motorcycle mechanic tips as well. If you want to see the world on two wheels this is your first step.
A sense of adventure and willingness to learn.
A Passport and Valid motorcycle license
Be 25 years of age or older
Have at least 2 years riding experience and have ridden at least 2000 miles/3220km last year
Complete the assigned Homework and show proof of completion of online CHAMPU School