[N.B. Dogs are welcome on our retreats: if this will cause you a problem, please check with us before booking]
A place on our March 2025 tutored writing retreat gives you a place to write in the way which suits you - alone or in a group; following a retreat schedule or pursuing your own plan; with support from your host or working independently. Writing workshops and extensive one-to-one time will be provided throughout the week but, as with all aspects of our retreats, you choose which bits you do!
The retreat runs from Monday to Friday (4 nights) and your accommodation will be in one of our spacious, ensuite bedrooms with TV, WiFi, Tea and Coffee making facilities, all toiletries and - of course - a desk at which to write if you choose to. During the day you will have access to the group writing table, our lounge writing space (with a view over the valley), your bedroom writing space and, of course, our extensive garden and grounds where you might discover your own place to write. We have a copious supply of writing tools and equipment to support you, and you can draw on our extensive library to inspire you too.
All meals are included and cooked for you: we provide a full breakfast menu, a buffet lunch and a home-cooked hot evening meal plan. Packed lunches are available if you wish to venture out on an activity or local walk or climb at any time. At breaktimes we offer a selection of biscuits and home-baked cakes with as much coffee, tea and juices as you can drink. All meals are either vegetarian or include a vegetarian option. Other diets, and all common allergies, can be catered for.
Each day begins with an optional goal-setting session for those who find structure helpful. This is followed by one of Nic's writing workshops exploring topics such as structure, dialoguing, developing characters, showing not telling, and finding your voice. The day continues, between refreshment and meal times, with extended writing time (in which you may also choose to explore the local countryside, read in peace, or simply chill) and the opportunity to use Nic as a sounding board for your ideas, for feedback on a piece of written work, or simply for a chat about writing and creativity. In addition to these informal on-to-ones with Nic, participants on every tutored retreat also enjoy a full one-to-one session with the brilliant Emily Barroso.
If you travel to us by train, we provide a free pick up and return service to Chirk Station - the train arriving around 2.50pm each day is a perfect fit!
Why not invite a second person to join you? We will not ask you to share with anyone but if you have a partner or friend who would like to come too, our superior and standard rooms can be arranged with a double or twin beds as required (our specially discounted second person supplement applies).