There’s no way to tell you what to expect, not really. Think of it as an exploration of your true self. Ayahuasca brings on a state of profound introspection while dropping the barriers between your conscious and subconscious mind. This enables you to observe the structures, perceptions and belief systems with which you generate your body, your life, your reality. What you experience is the manifestation of your own energies, emotions and experiences; so as each individual is unique, his or her experience with Ayahuasca is as well. No two people have the same experience although the process is similar.
We ask that you come with a lot of good will, a dash of flexibility and a sincere desire to change. Good will and flexibility are indispensable companions for any foray into new territory, and taking Ayahuasca for the first time, at least initially, feels like moving into the unknown. Flexibility keeps things flowing and a sincere desire to change is the motivation that’ll bring it all together for you.
“Vines and trees will teach you that which you will never learn from masters..”
– Bernard de Clairvaux
A good question. Why not just come down for the weekend, take Ayahuasca once and go home? The answer is that any ah ha moment you have taking Ayahuasca one time will probably not stay with you.
Working an entire week, during which you take Ayahuasca three times and receive and/or participate in other therapies directed at integrating your experience gives you the power and the space to go deep, to take in the truth of that moment (and any others you may have) and THAT leads to permanent positive change.
A week of medicine, introspection, light eating, meditation and music works the magic. And as for us, working to bring about permanent change in ourselves and others is our mission, and from long experience we believe that can only be done with immersion encounters.
“This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how the magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.”
– Terence McKenna
The cultures of Mexico and South America have been working with sacred plant medicines for eons. To them we owe our awareness of their unique healing properties. Medicine men and women of wide experience and deep training are found here. Some are natives working within their own cultural traditions, others apprentice with native
medicine men. La Medicina is a calling and a way of life and yet another element unique to these lands. On a more pedestrian note, Cancun and the Riviera Maya are close, easy-to-reach destinations for Americans and Canadians, millions of whom visit each year: to them, Mexico is the foreign country that’s not so foreign.
The Cancun International Airport receives scheduled flights from major cities across Canada, the US and western Europe. Services are second to none, the roads are great and the people, wonderful. And finally, there’s the primordial healing energies of the jungle with the Caribbean Sea as dazzling backdrop.