Welcome to Medellín, the city of eternal spring! We're thrilled to have you here. Experience the warmth of our people, the beauty of our landscapes, and the richness of our culture. May your stay in Medellín be unforgettable and filled with extraordinary moments! ✨
Approximate price in dollars: $ 55 USD
📆 Tuesday, October 15th
✅ Recommendations:
- Use sunscreen and repellent
- Comfortable clothes and shoes
- Do not bring valuables or jewelry
📍 Meeting Point and Time: 2pm at Novotel
⏳Duration: 5 hours approx
Approximate price in dollars: $ 89 USD
📆 Wednesday, October 16th
✅ Recommendations:
- Use sunscreen and repellent
- Comfortable clothes and shoes
📍 Meeting Point and Time: 2pm at Novotel
⏳Duration: 6 hours approx
Approximate price in dollars: $ 105 USD
📆 Friday, October 18th
📌 Includes:
- Private transportation
- Professional tour guide
- Medical insurance
📍 Meeting Point and Time: 8pm at Novotel
⏳Duration: 3 hours approx
Approximate price in dollars: $ 48 USD
📆 Saturday, October 19th
✅ Recommendations:
- Comfortable clothes and shoes
- Do not bring valuables or jewelry
📍 Meeting Point and Time: 9am at Novotel
⏳Duration: 4 hours approx
Approximate price in dollars: $ 104 USD
📆 OPTION N°1 - Sunday, October 20th
✅ Recommendations:
- Use sunscreen and repellent
- Comfortable clothes and shoes
- Sunglasses
- Weather between 14 and 24 degrees Celsius (57 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit)
📍 Meeting Point and Time: 8am at Novotel
⏳Duration: 8 hours approx
Approximate price in dollars: $ 119 USD
📆 OPTION N°2 - Sunday, October 20th
✅ Recommendations:
- Use sunscreen and repellent
- Comfortable clothes and shoes
- Sunglasses
📍 Meeting Point and Time: 8am at Novotel
⏳Duration: 8 hours approx
$ 54 USD
NOTE: Price for a single journey; if you need a round trip, please contact us on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Link: https://bit.ly/2HGaoe7
$ 112 USD
NOTE: Price for a single journey; if you need a round trip, please contact us on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Link: https://bit.ly/2HGaoe7
$ 130 USD
NOTE: Price for a single journey; if you need a round trip, please contact us on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Link: https://bit.ly/2HGaoe7
Sé testigo de la transformación de este rinconcito de la ciudad; San Javier, más conocido como la Comuna 13.
A medida que avanzas y escuchas las historias que hay allí, sientes la evolución que han tenido como comunidad y que a servido de ejemplo de esfuerzo, resistencia y amor para la ciudad.
Siente y aprecia cada uno de los graffitis que se encuentran; colores, diseños únicos y cada uno con su historia. Sin duda será una experiencia para siempre recordar.
📌 Incluye:
- Transporte privado
- Guía local de la Comuna 13
- Snack
- Boletos para el transporte público
- Helado artesanal de mango
- Bebida tradicional Chicha
- Visita a diferentes museos de arte del barrio
- Show de baile o Freestyle
- Botella de agua
- Seguro médico
✅ Recomendaciones:
- Utilizar crema solar y repelente
- Ropa y calzado cómodos
- No llevar objetos de valor ni joyas
📍 Punto y hora de encuentro: 2pm en el Novotel
⏳Duración: 5 horas aproximadamente