Atlantic Rainforests, SE Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ventures Birding Tours
  • Email address verified
94 reviews
Nov 24 - Dec 7, 2023
Group size: 5 - 8
Atlantic Rainforests, SE Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ventures Birding Tours
  • Email address verified
94 reviews

Nov 24 - Dec 7, 2023
Group size: 5 - 8

About this trip

This trip is part of our shorter tropical birding breaks. We will be staying the first week at Reserva Ecológica de Guapi Assu’s (REGUA) lodge 50 miles north of Rio de Janeiro. This amazing lodge is home to 460 bird species, including Blue-bellied Parrot, Shrike-like Cotinga and the elusive Solitary Tinamou. REGUA is also a non-profit making organization and all income from the lodge directly supports their conservation activities. REGUA owns and administrates an area of 9,000 hectares (see the photo) and the reserve protects a cross section of the Atlantic rainforest protecting many endemic bird species that are to the Atlantic forests. Lowland forest species, such as Giant Snipe and Masked Duck are regularly seen and substantial area of primary forest at higher altitudes protects species such as Bare-throated Bellbird, Star-throated Antwren and Gray-winged Cotinga. Red-billed Curassows have been re-introduced into the reserve, as well as Black-fronted Piping Guan marking a significant gain for conservation.

Our second week will be at Itororo Lodge. “Itororó” means “The Whispering of the Waters” in the Tupi-Guarani Language. According to the lodge, their aim is to help protect Brazil’s Atlantic Rainforest so that it continually gives its waters room to whisper and allows those interested in it, to listen, see and experience nature in its purest form.

There are many options for activities on the grounds of Eco Lodge Itororó and in this region of southeast Brazil. The Três Picos State Park is just 30 minutes away. Atlantic Rainforest, Mountains and high-altitude areas are easily reached in less than one hour. The region is considered to be one of Brazil’s best for hiking, birdwatching and photography. 

Situated at 1200 m in elevation, the trails at Itororo offer some quite different birding to our stay at Regua. Our first full day will be spent enjoying what the lodge has to offer, including Surucua and Black-throated Trogon, Spot-winged Wood-quail, Pallid, Chicli and Gray-bellied Spinetail, Chestnut-headed, Black-goggled, Brassy-breasted and Burnished-buff Tanagers and many more. The remaining time will be spent exploring a range of different habitats in the area. 

What’s included

  • Food
  • Accommodation
  • Ground transportation
  • Guide services

What’s not included

  • Airfare
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Laundry
  • Gratuities
  • Items of personal nature

Available Packages

Double Occupancy


Single Traveler

For those wanting their own room


Your Organizer

Ventures Birding Tours
94 reviews
Small travel company based in Asheville, NC, specializing in birding & nature tours both locally & worldwide.


This was an exploration for all of us. We had excellent guides and saw many lifers. I have to say I got tired of white rice but at least there was usually tofu (I'm a vegetarian). Leeches in the forest - need more rest stops for ladies!!!!
By Barbara R for Sumatra - Padang on Aug 14, 2024
Fraser's Hill is a leftover from a by-gone era. Very quaint, somewhat run down, but great climate. We had excellent sightings of some rare birds, even in the fog. Steve's place was super-lovely and the food pretty good.
By Barbara R for Fraser's Hill on Aug 14, 2024
Paul is a great guide. Very knowledgeable.
By Cynthia E for High Country Birding on Jul 30, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed the morning at Trout Lake and beyond with Paul Laurent. Not only is Paul bird knowledgable, but he taught me about salamanders and the Linn Cove Viaduct. The rain did not dampen his enthusiastic attitude.
By Joy R for High Country Birding on Jul 24, 2024
I had a great time on this tour. Clifton did an outstanding job in taking us to excellent areas to see and hear birds. What I thought made this trip special was that not only did Clifton guide us, but he shared his knowledge about birds to helps those of us attending to have a better understanding of bird habitat, and why birds are found in certain areas at different times of the year. I found this aspect of the tour very rewarding. Again, I felt that Clifton did an out standing job.
By James G for Birding the Great Smoky Mountains on Jul 16, 2024
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