Book a 1:1 Session with Laura

Soul Tribe Travel
  • Email address verified
Duration: 1 day
Group size: 1 - 2
Book a 1:1 Session with Laura

Soul Tribe Travel
  • Email address verified

Duration: 1 day
Group size: 1 - 2

About this trip

Here I would like to give you the opportunity to continue working with me, even when you are back at home. We already know and trust each other. Even if you haven't worked with me before, you can book an individual session with me. In this case, however, I only offer regressions and no breathwork.

The session includes a short preliminary talk after you have sent me a message and lasts about 1.5 hours with a pre- and post-talk. 

You can choose between a spiritual regression and a Rebirth Breathwork session. Please make sure that you are not disturbed during this time and that you can lie down comfortably. I will send you a zoom link and you should also be able to cover your eyes. Please read the conditions for participating in a Breathwork session carefully if you decide to do so. 

Rebirth Breathwork:

Rebirthing sessions last two hours, usually including an hourlong discussion of the issues the person is dealing with, plus an hour of breathwork. 

Past Life Regression:

Past life regression is a gentle healing technique that takes you on a journey, safely into a past life time. I never convince people of their past-lives, in a spiritual form or otherwise, it's more of an exploration to represent the power of the subconscious mind.

The sessions will take place:

Sundays: CEST 11:00am-1:00 pm

When you should not practice Breathwork

Since holotropic breathwork may bring up intense feelings or strong physical and emotional releases, you should talk to your healthcare provider before practicing it. You’ll want to avoid this type of breathwork if you have a history of:

Cardiovascular issues.

High blood pressure.

Recent injury or surgery.

Any condition requiring regular medication.

Panic attacks.

Psychosis and seizure disorders.

Holotropic breathwork isn’t recommended for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding either.

It is recommended that holotropic breathwork be used in conjunction with ongoing therapy as it offers an opportunity to work through and overcome any emotions or trauma that might surface. However, most people who practice it do not experience any adverse side effects from it.

About Past Life Regression

A past life regression is a return to past lives and possibly also future lives. In the form of a deep meditation, you relive your past and can thus recognize the connections between your present life and your past life and gain insights and solutions for current situations.

The individual session consists of 3 parts. The first part is about your current life, how it is, what is currently important and where there could be starting points in past lives. These can be topics such as uncertainty about a decision for both private and professional life, illnesses, fears, panic attacks and recurring nightmares.

For the session you lie down and I guide you through the treatment. You can think of it as a very deep meditation. Unlike a session with a medium or shaman, where the practitioner sees the images through your answers, in a regression you are the one reliving the experience in the form of images or feelings. The form in which you have the experience varies greatly from person to person.

In any case, it is an emotional experience that helps you to integrate what you have experienced. A common question from clients is: “Oh, I must have seen that in a movie or read it in a book”. 


As soon as you have an emotional physical experience, it is likely that you have already experienced the situation and have not intellectually read about it in a book. For example, if in your regression the sight of a baby touches your heart, then this is a point where you can go deeper.


In the last part of the session, you connect with your Higher Self, which you can ask anything that moves you in your current life. You can also ask your Higher Self for healing or energy work. In contrast to the Spirit Guides, your Higher Self is rather a part of your soul that knows everything about your past lives: what you are supposed to experience in this life, your life purpose, which people you have met in your life, which people you are still supposed to meet and what you are supposed to learn from them. As soon as you meet and experience your Higher Self, the whole room feels like it takes on the energy of love, time seems to stand still and your heart is open. In this state you have the opportunity to get to the bottom of your questions and go deeper into a topic and make decisions.

What’s included

  • Coaching
  • Interview
    We will have a short interview before the session
  • Appointment
    Please choose a date! I will then contact you to find an appointment with you

Available Packages

Rebirth Breathwork 1:1 Session online

You can choose a session and I will send you an invitation via Zoom

Past Life Regression Session 1:1 online

You can choose a session and I will send you an invitation via Zoom! The dates will be then scheduled! I will send you options to choose


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