Cave of the God- Halesi Mahadev bears significant importance and is around a couple of hundreds of kilometers away from Kathmandu. Traveling through this narrow road takes around 8-9 hours to reach Halesi Mahadev.
There are many mysterious caves around the area with its own story and its importance. On the other hand, the beautiful and mysterious natural caves; full of different natural images, look as if the stone carving artist has done it carefully taking a lot of time. Here, the images are all inside the caves which themselves are mysterious. There is two feet tall Shiva Linga that enshrines inside the Cave. It is said that sinners cannot pass through this passage, but confessions of the wrongs committed would enable access. Thousands of devotees come to worship the symbol of Lord Shiva with the belief that Halesi Mahadev blesses the poor with prosperity and the ignorant with knowledge and wisdom.
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