Chartres Pilgrimage 2024 - Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Chapter

28000 Chartres, France

Regina Trips
  • Email address verified
3 reviews
May 18 - 20, 2024
Group size: 20 - 200
Chartres Pilgrimage 2024 - Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Chapter
28000 Chartres, France

Regina Trips
  • Email address verified
3 reviews

May 18 - 20, 2024
Group size: 20 - 200

About this trip

Welcome to the annual Chartres Pilgrimage in France!


This site is for those interested in registering for the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary (ADULT) Chapter or the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (FAMILY) Chapter.  

Please note: each Chapter is limited to 50 persons.  

The Paris Chartres Pilgrimage is a three-day walking pilgrimage in the medieval footprint from Notre-Dame de Paris to Notre-Dame de Chartres. 

Upon arrival at Chartres, pilgrims venerate the veil of Our Lady, one of the most hallowed relics of the Christian world. 

The route is approx. 60 miles and the dates coincide every year with the Solemnity of Pentecost.

Pilgrims are organized into groups called "chapters."

We are the English-language Chapter of the Most Holy Rosary for adults (experienced walkers) and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for families (parents with children and older walkers).


The dates for the 2024 Paris to Chartres Pentecost Pilgrimage are May 18 - 20, 2023.  

On Friday, May 17, the day before the pilgrimage begins, we will have an optional morning Mass at Saint-Roch in Paris with lunch and a meet-and-greet, for those registered with our chapter. That info will be sent to registrants at a later date.  

There will be Solemn Mass every day in the Traditional Roman Rite.

The pilgrimage will begin with Mass at S. Sulpice in Paris the morning of Saturday, May 18, the Vigil of Pentecost.

The following day, the Solemnity of Pentecost (Whitsunday), Solemn Pontifical Mass will be sung in the French countryside.  

The concluding Mass will be celebrated in Chartres Cathedral, Pentecost Monday. 

The walking route covers approximately 60 miles over 3 days, beginning at the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris and ending at the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Chartres. Those who join us will have the opportunity to sing and pray in both English, French, and Latin. 

On the way of the pilgrimage route, the French have the venerable custom of singing the Rosary in French. 

There will be prayer and fellowship, with over 16,000 pilgrims making the journey together with participants from many countries.

The pilgrimage is organized by the L’association Notre-Dame de Chrétienté (the Association of Our Lady of Christendom).  


We sincerely hope you will join us — to avoid disappointment, register early!


NOTA BENE: The cost for youth (18 and under) is $25 -- when you register a youth, type the discount code YOUTH for the discount to apply.   

Also, there is no cost for clergy -- when they register they can type the discount code FREE. 

What’s included

  • Registrant Wristband
    You will be given a wristband that allows you to walk with a Chapter and enter the camps at night.
  • Tent Accommodations
    Group tents are included for the two nights camping, where participants are separated by their gender. Only males are allowed in male tents. Only females are allowed in female tents.
  • Light Food
    For meals, watered-down hot chocolate is provided for breakfast and watered down soup for dinner, served with a piece of bread. Bottled water is also provided throughout the Pilgrimage.
  • Participant Booklet
    You will be given a participant book to follow along the hymns, prayer, and meditations. that change every year.

What’s not included

  • Flights
    You must purchase your own round-trip flights. It is best to plan to arrive at least a couple days before in advance.
  • Travel Insurance
    Travel insurance is highly recommended and should include trip cancellation for any reason and medical coverage.
  • Food
    Although a meager fare is provided , you will need to bring your own food to supplement your diet.
  • Hotels
    Outside the 3-day walking pilgrimage, you will need to budget for and make arrangements for your own accommodations.

Available Packages


Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary is an ADULT Chapter that walks the scheduled route. It is for experienced walkers and will have its own chaplain. 

The limit is 50 persons. 

NOTA BENE: The cost for youth (18 and under) is $25 -- when you register type the discount code YOUTH.  There is no cost for clergy -- they can type the discount code FREE. 

PLEASE NOTE: there is no refund for those who cancel after the deadline for registration: March 1, 2024. 


Our Lady of Mt. Carmel  is a FAMILY Chapter that walks the scheduled abbreviated route for families with young children, older walkers, and those unable to walk the full distance. It is for non-experienced walkers and will have its own chaplain. 

The limit is 50 persons. 

NOTA BENE: The cost for youth (18 and under) is $25 -- when you register type the discount code YOUTH. 

PLEASE NOTE: there is no refund for those who cancel after the deadline for registration: March 1, 2024. 



Day 1: May 18, 2023
Departure Day - Pontifical Mass in Paris.

Welcome to day 1 of the Chartrs Pilgrimage!

The pilgrimage now begins at Saint-Sulpice in Paris, after the devastating fire at Notre-Dame in 2019 (it remains closed, for now, still under restoration). 

Plan to arrive early as it will be crowded! We recommend 6:00 am. Watch for our chapter with its American flag. Find us and get your wristband and booklet. 

Next, you will drop your luggage (bag) off at the proper lorry truck. Remember to have on you a backpack (daypack) for each day as you walk. 

Stick together. There will be lots of people, and too big of a crowd for us to enter the church for the opening Mass. We will be outside for the duration; try to get a good view of the entrance or recessional processions. 

After Mass we begin our walk! We keep together as we walk through the city, on our way to the countryside. Don't forget to have on you your rosary and booklet you will be provided with. 

Also, don't forget to bring your food for the day in your backpack. You will need three meals, with snacks and a bottle of water. Also, don't forget your hat and sunscreen and rain poncho.  These are important items not to forget! 

Be ready for rain, sun, and possible cold. You may also want co carry a light jacket or sweater in your backpack as it may be chilly in the morning. 

What food to bring? Energy or protein bars. Dried dehydrated fruit. Banana chips. Make you own trail mix or bring some roasted nuts with sea salt. Avoid items that will melt like chocolate protein bars. Some of these items may be difficult to find in France (you can bring them with you from home). 

What drink to bring? A water bottle. Also, Gatorade helps with its electrolyte minerals. 

There will be a few short stops to rest as we walk. Bottled water will be freely handed out. There are also occasional First-Aid stations as we walk. 

Sometimes along the way volunteers can be seen offering protein bars to the clergy, priests, seminarians, and nuns, who make an extra sacrifice walking in their cassock or religious habit.   

We walk all day until evening. We take turns carrying the banner and flag for our chapter. We maintain a joyous mood.  

If some are unable to walk certain distances, there are volunteers at First-Aid stations to help ferry pilgrims to the next stops. 

Once we arrive at camp, find your bag that was transported by the lorry trick. Then find what tents our group is in. Set up your sleeping bag and mat for the night. 

Get some grub before it's gone (it goes quick - hot watery soup), served with a piece of bread. Remember to supplement this meager fare with your own food stored in your backpack and luggage. 

Don't miss the bonfire hosted by the French Scouts as they re-enact the history of Catholic France with pageantry and an enchanting torchlight procession where they carry  a statue of Our Lady of Christendom and sing historic folk songs.  

There will also be a tent set up with Adoration to keep Our Blessed Lord company.  Get some sleep for an early pre-dawn rise the next morning!  

Your Organizer

Regina Trips
3 reviews
REGINA’S mission is to support research and education as to the history of cultures in different regions of the world, influenced by the Catholic Faith, including cultural development in the context of religious faith and societal standards. We are a nonprofit that produces a rare and exquisite magazine, along with providing other programs that include extraordinary trips, retreats, and conferences. REGINA offers incredible and authentic experiences in timeless places and climates of the past, that bring faith and history to life.


we have a great time and made new friends. Our experience for stayed 6 nights in Fontgombault Abbey were precious , especially for my husband (I thought he can not survive ,he need TV to make asleep). I told my friends to make retreat to Fontgombault Abbey one day and I personally like to go back again. The theme retreat that Father Oballo gives is really great , " How to do spiritual/mental prayer" And personally I like to Thanks John and Natalie Sonnen that being very helpful and patience with me from the beginning of all preparations ( accommodation , transportation, etc in Paris, Chartres, and Lourdes) , they are very kind and knowledgeable . Thank you very much again to you John & Natalie, God Bless you! Please stop by to Holy Family Church Vancouver when you visit Canada. Bless you all, Keep in touch, Sylvia & Julian Ng.
By Sylvia N for REGINA Retreat at Fontgombault Abbey: "The Evening Draws Nigh" on Jun 06, 2024
Very blessed time. Well organised and full support provided for anyone who struggled to walk or had to step out of the walk for any period of time. Everything was thought of to support & encourage everyone. The planning & preparation for this important pilgrimage was excellent including mass and meet up in Paris before the walk as well as all the information provided to help each of us come prepared with all we might need to gain the maximum benefit of our pilgrimage together.
By Angela G for Chartres Pilgrimage 2024 - Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Chapter on May 30, 2024
We had a great time on the walk. Everyone involved was very helpful and the tips given definitely helped.
By Bernard T for Chartres Pilgrimage 2024 - Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Chapter on May 29, 2024