KIBO CAMP (4,700 M) ~ UHURU PEAK (5895M.) Millennium/High Camp (3110m) a midnight wake-up call is the start of a long trek. You begin trekking at 1 am up to the winding path of endless switchbacks. From your camp to the rim of the crater (Gillman’s Point (18,750ft. / 5,712 m) to Uhuru Peak, the trekking time is about 7 -8 hours. The slope is steep, with switchbacks, over loose rock and scree with some boulders as you near Gilman’s Point. You will stop at Hans Meyer cave on the way, the famous place where Kilimanjaro first western climber described in his journals. Once you arrive at Gilman’s Point at the edge of the crater, the trail to the summit is less demanding and is reached after a further 1½-2 hours along the snowy crater rim (depending on the season). After a short time at the summit, retrace your steps back to Gilman’s Point, then summon your strength again for a further descent to Millennium Camp for the night.