Connect + Thrive
🤍March 15-20th 2026
🤍Nosara, Costa Rica
Connect + Thrive with movement and community. Tap into your primal self with a daily dose of Buti as we peal back the layers. Soak up your time for self care and space for introspection with daily restorative practices. Dig into your foundation with alignment workshops specific to the individual yogi to empower your practice to grow to new heights. Get upside down and change your perspective with arm balance and inversion breakdowns. Step into the jungle where monkeys and birds are the soundtrack for your transformation and the ocean cleanses your spirt and soul. Join Sarah Broussard and Chelsea Gressman and discover the cure within.
Single Occupancy $3500 per person
Double Occupancy $2800 per person
Single Occupancy $3200 per person
Double Occupancy $2700 per person
Each Jungle Room has two twin beds.
$2220 per person
Off Site Studio
Single Occupancy $1880 per person
Double Occupancy $1220 per person
Off Site Room
Single Occupancy $1550 per person
Double Occupancy $999 per person