This Death Valley Workshop is self-driving. However, we will condense vehicles during our trip to make it easier to get around. We will start at our meeting point on the first day, which will be provided after signing up. On the first day, we will meet and greet and then set out for our first sunset. Days 2-5 will have us photographing both sunrise and sunset, with some time during the day to refresh and recharge. We will also be doing some afternoon post-processing sessions. On day number 5, we will capture our final sunset, have a goodbye dinner, and wrap the workshop.
We have our favorite locations and spots dialed in. However, we keep it spontaneous to check the weather and conditions to put us in the best possible places at the right time. Hiking to most locations is required.
Sometimes, we will do 4-5 miles daily with some hills, especially on the dunes. If you have any medical conditions or mobility issues, please contact us before signing up! This will not be a get-out-of-the-car and pull-out-the-camera type of workshop.
Any skill level works for this trip, whether you are just getting started with photography or have been shooting for a long time. We are well experienced in teaching basic photo theory and camera settings. But really, our passion for this workshop will be teaching our photo philosophy, which will allow you to really think outside of the box to capture unique images under any conditions. Death Valley is one of the best photographic backdrops to explore our creativity!