Elev8 Worldwide Online Summit Dec 28- Jan 1 - 5 Tickets

Puntarenas Province, Parrita, Costa Rica

Elev8 Health
  • Email address verified
Dec 28, 2023 - Jan 1, 2024
Group size: 1 - 200
Elev8 Worldwide Online Summit Dec 28- Jan 1 - 5 Tickets
Puntarenas Province, Parrita, Costa Rica

Elev8 Health
  • Email address verified

Dec 28, 2023 - Jan 1, 2024
Group size: 1 - 200

About this trip

Start 2024 on the right foot!

We are inviting individuals and corporate clients to experience a 5 day journey supporting embodiment, vitality, clarity, health, and wellbeing. We will help you learn ways to relieve stress, turn burnout around, renew your passion and focus while gaining clarity for your goals for 2024. 

This live event will be recorded so you can get insights and inspiration all year long. You will have access to two live sessions per day with Dr. Randi Raymond and Forrest Wilson that will cover a variety of wellbeing topics to help reset your health for '24. 

In addition our attendees will be able to meet up during the summit to share experiences and build community. We are thrilled to get the chance to work with you and your team and look forward to assisting you in making this and easy, fun and powerful transition into the New Year!

Available Packages

Trip Price

Join us for a 5 day online health and wellness summit where we will help guide you and your team to a thriving start to 2024. With the purchase of this package for 5 people you and your group will have access to our full program and team building exercises. 



Full 5 day Itinerary
Elev8 Worldwide

Day 1:

8-8:30- Intro with Forrest and Randi

Forrest and Randi welcome you and set the stage for the journey ahead. Sharing a bit about each of us, our inspiration for this invitation, and how you can best set yourself up for success for the year ahead in 5 days.

9-11am- Forrest- 

Setting the field: To begin our online gathering, we will notice the state of being and mood we are embodying in the moment. By bringing attention and awareness to how we are being, we can start to notice what comes online for us as we access more of the resources, easy goingness, flow, inspiration, and creativity available to us in this moment.

We call this a Field First Approach - meaning we are foregrounding the Field of Consciousness we are embodying and emanating together in real time. You will be held in a field of coherence, regulated, and grounded in what matters most.

2-4pm- Randi

Intro to Integrative Medicine- Gain a deeper understanding of your overall health and optimizing the function of your body through integrative medicine. You will learn the basic philosophy of multiple disciplines and how they can be cultivated and applied to your routines to create thriving health.  

Day 2:

9-11am- Forrest

Releasing and letting go of 23’

Letting go of whatever is no longer serving. Releasing pent up energy, limiting beliefs, stories that are no longer serving, and energy that doesn’t belong to us through immersive and experiential practices.

2-4pm- Randi

Detox Methods- There are many ways to cleanse the body, in this talk you will learn some gently but effective daily rituals that will help to ensure long term health and wellness. Also we will dive a little deeper into some techniques that will deeply detoxify the mind body and soul.

Day 3:

9-11am- Forrest

Deep, Deep, Deep

This workshop invites you to rest and relax into the depths of your Being. Workshop participants often report experiencing the deepest state of relaxation they’ve ever experienced and many experience the activation of supernatural capacities and a new ground to orient from life from.

2-4pm- Randi

Qi cultivation techniques - Qi (pronounced Chi) is at the root of the energy of life. It is the energy that opens your eyes in the morning and propels you through your day. This class will teach you to cultivate your personal Qi, Identify the boundaries of your Qi and help you learn to sustain and guard your energy for optimal results. You will leave this workshop with a more developed relationship with Qi, supporting you to live life with more vitality, aliveness, and freedom.

Day 4:

9-11am Forrest

Download your future

Have you ever played with time? This workshop invites you to receive your future, allowing the most aligned and resonant trajectory for your future to come into you in this moment. Receive clarity on the vision for your life from a higher order intelligence that helps you orient and ground in what is most essential for you right now.

2-4pm- Randi

Modern Nutrition w/ cooking demonstration- Dietary choices are as individual as you are. Everyday we make choices that impact our longterm health. Wouldn’t it be helpful to receive some guidance as we navigate the thousands of dietary choices currently available? Let’s enjoy some real talk about food sourcing, nutritional value, and how to make the best choices in real life to cultivate thriving health. 

Day 5:

9-11 Forrest

Action, Embodiment, Integration

Cultivate the state of generosity and aliveness while sourcing practical and embodied actions to make progress on what matters most in relationship to the workshops you’ve experienced thus far. Finish the weekend feeling momentum and on track for 2024.

2-4 Randi

Creating healthy routines- wellness comes from daily practices. It is critical that we establish routines that help keep us on track and moving in a positive direction. This conversation will cover a variety of wellness praticies that can be utilized on a regular basis to ensure long lasting health and vitality.   

5-6- sunset and keeping it real with Forrest and Randi

Kick back and enjoy a closing hour where Forrest and Randi riff on what matters most, share wisdom and insight on wellbeing and a life well lived, and invite collective celebration for our shared journey as we embark on a New Year together.These five days aim to provide a holistic approach to wellness, combining physical, emotional, and spiritual elements. Participants will have the opportunity to receive personalized consultations, engage in hands-on healing and energy-balancing sessions, explore inner journeys, and learn practices that can be integrated into their daily lives for ongoing well-being. 

Click here to watch a video about Forrest and Dr. Randi

Pre and during retreat invitations:

Daily (in no particular order):

Start every day with 5:5:5: 5 minutes of gratitude (make mental notes of your present moments or journal about the things you are grateful for), 5 minutes of sunshine (preferably nude), 5 minutes of thermal or light therapy (ice bath, sauna, or red light)

1 liter of room temperature water with the fresh juice of one lime or lemon and a pinch of salt

Drink 3 liters of water per day

Comfortable clothes- preferably cotton or linen 

Silence and Stillness

Enjoy your body- via workout, movement, sexercise, dance, laughter, and play…get your daily dose of Vitamin P (prolactin) 

Sleep well- 6-8 hours preferably uninterrupted plus naps

Your Organizer

Elev8 Health
Elev8 health is a private health club that works with various retreat centers in Costa Rica and throughout Central America to provide adjunct therapies for guests.

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