Experiencia España - Abril 2024

Madrid, Spain

My Global Tours Group
  • Email address verified
22 reviews
Apr 1 - 11, 2024
Group size: 1 - 16
Experiencia España - Abril 2024
Madrid, Spain

My Global Tours Group
  • Email address verified
22 reviews

Apr 1 - 11, 2024
Group size: 1 - 16

About this trip


Si te apasiona viajar y conocer nuevos hermanos y hermanas, este es tu viaje.

Nuestros guías turísticos bilingües inglés/español de los Testigos de Jehová lo acompañarán durante todo el viaje.

Si quiere compartir una habitación llene este formulario.

Incluimos todos los desayunos, seis almuerzos y tres cenas.

Entradas a museos y otras visitas guiadas. Visitando seis lugares únicos. Visitaremos Madrid, Segovia, Toledo, Cuenca, Alcalá y El Escorial.



Se requiere un depósito de reserva no reembolsable por persona para reservar un viaje internacional. El pago final antes de la salida debe recibirse 120 días antes de la fecha del tour. Si el pago final no se recibe antes de la fecha límite, la reserva está sujeta a cancelación y los pagos y/o depósitos no serán reembolsados.

Política de Cancelación: La cancelación antes de la fecha de salida después del pago estará sujeta a lo siguiente:

  • A partir de 60 días antes de la fecha del tour, el viajero y/o cliente perderá las tarifas de reserva no reembolsables y el 100 % de todos los pagos.
  • A partir de 90 días antes de la fecha del tour, el viajero y/o cliente perderá las tarifas de reserva no reembolsables y el 50% de todos los pagos recibidos.
  • Durante y 180 días antes de la fecha del tour, el viajero y/o cliente perderá el depósito no reembolsable.


What’s included

  • Recogida del aeropuerto
    Te esperaremos en el aeropuerto.
  • Alojamiento de hotel
    10 noches en el precioso Hotel RIU en Plaza España
  • Transporte terrestre
    Un cómodo y moderno autobús lo transportará a todos los destinos mencionados en el itinerario.
  • Comidas
    Algunos almuerzos y varias cenas
  • Desayunos
    Desayuno caliente por 10 días
  • Boletos de entrada
    Boletos al museo y las visitas guíadas
  • Recorridos guíados
    Tendrás guías locales y tus guías JW de MVBT para acompañarte
  • Espectáculo de Flamenco
    Sumérgete en la cultura española siendo parte de este espectáculo de flamenco.

What’s not included

  • NO incluye Boleto Aereo
    Este es solo un paquete terrestre solamente. Podemos ofrecer asistencia de vuelo si es necesario.
  • Visa
    Algunos países requieren visa para ingresar a la Unión Europea. Sin embargo podemos ayudar como hacer el proceso

Available Packages

Habitación doble - por persona

El depósito no es reembolsable. Los pagos están sujetos a un programa de tarifas de cancelación. Puedes pagar a plazos sin intereses hasta el pago total.

Pago final vence el 15 de febrero de 2024

Si viaja con un acompañante o compañero de viaje; en el caso de su cancelación, estará sujeto a tarifas y/o costos adicionales de acuerdo a los términos y condiciones del hotel y servicios. Siempre tienes la opción de buscar un nuevo viajero para el recorrido. MVBT Group LLC no es responsable de buscar, ni intentará encontrar otro compañero de viaje.


Habitación Triple - por persona

El depósito no es reembolsable. Los pagos están sujetos a un programa de tarifas de cancelación. Puedes pagar a plazos sin intereses hasta el pago total.

Pago final vence el 15 de febrero de 2024

Si viaja con un acompañante o compañero de viaje; en el caso de su cancelación, estará sujeto a tarifas y/o costos adicionales de acuerdo a los términos y condiciones del hotel y servicios. Siempre tienes la opción de buscar un nuevo viajero para el recorrido. MVBT Group LLC no es responsable de buscar, ni intentará encontrar otro compañero de viaje.


Habitación sencillo - por persona

El depósito no es reembolsable. Los pagos están sujetos a un programa de tarifas de cancelación. Puedes pagar a plazos sin intereses hasta el pago total.

Pago final vence el 15 de febrero de 2024




Día 1 - 1 de abril, 2024
Llegada al aeropuerto internacional Adolfo Barajas en Madrid (MAD)

Llegada al Aeropuerto Internacional Adolfo Barajas de Madrid. Tus guías turísticos de JW te estarán esperando en la terminal. Serás transportado al Hotel RIU. Tendremos una reunión para conocer y saludar cuando todos los miembros del grupo estén listos. ¡La aventura comienza! ¿Estás listo?

Your Organizer

My Global Tours Group
22 reviews
At My Global Tours Group, we offer unforgettable journeys to the world’s most fascinating destinations and museums. As creators of My Virtual Bible Tour, we bring the same passion to our in-person tours, blending historical exploration with spiritual enrichment. Our team, comprised of Jehovah’s Witnesses, shares a deep love for the Bible, museums, and archaeology. We bring the Bible to life through tangible archaeological evidence of fulfilled prophecies. Join us to experience history and faith in a truly remarkable way.


The Acostas did it again! This was my 2nd travel experience with them, and the level of care and service did not disappoint. There are so many highlights, from fun excursions to the grandest highlight for me, going in the ministry in a foreign country. The time spent with the English group in Punta Cana was so encouraging and uplifting. The Iberostar resort was wonderful. It is a beautiful property with a gorgeous pool and private beach. There were many food options available from a buffet to themed restaurants. Our rooms were nice with modern bathrooms. I went on two excursions, with one of them led/organized by a local brother in Samana. We had optional morning worship where gems were shared, a day trip to Bethel, the option to attend a local meeting and join our local friends in the ministry. This is one of the best vacations I have ever taken. Thank you Stalin and Vielka and I look forward to joining you in Egypt in May.
By Moniqua S for Punta Cana Experience-Dominican Republic on Dec 09, 2024
This was my second trip with MGT and it was just as amazing as the first! The sites are well thought out and cater to everyone. Great hotels and restaurants. The guides are very knowledgeable and attentive. You can just sit back and enjoy the trip! Can’t wait for Egypt in May, why don’t you join us?!
By Kristie S for JW-Germany-The Way of Integrity on Nov 11, 2024
I love history and especially history related to Bible prophecy and the history of Jehovah's Witnesses. Prior to the trip, I knew quite a bit about our history related to WW2 and the Nazi era. But being in the locations added details and raised questions I did not have previously. I was struck by the fact that entire towns were adjacent to the 2 camps we visited - right outside the gates. The local tour guides provided details new to me. I knew Hitler wanted a master race, but always thought this meant he wanted a superior race in the sense of stronger, smarter, etc. I did not realize he also meant they would be masters of slaves. He wanted to kill the jews and have Germans enslave other nations in Europe. The labor camps were actually slave camps and they rented out the slaves and planned to continue this indefinitely. We also learned that all the Witnesses or Bible Students, as they were known then, survived the death march because they respected the authority of the brothers taking the lead within their group. We learned the many times their cooperation saved their lives. It was not a depressing trip, but rather a trip to cause us to think about what we would do in the same circumstances.
By Teresa W for JW-Germany-The Way of Integrity on Sep 29, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed myself and meeting new friends in Jehovah's organization from around the world as a first time traveler with My Global Tours! From preparing to landing back home, this tour group put my traveling oversees anxieties at ease. It was a great spiritual experience filled with Bible prophecy and understanding of how much Jehovah takes notice of the persecution we experience in the most dire of circumstances to bring us comfort from his holy spirit and a loving brotherhood to strengthen us. Seeing our dear friends engaging in public witnessing with the carts was always the highlight of each destination stop. I definitely appreciated the oversight and care from our main tour guides Jose, Liza, and Josue. They made sure to communicate well about each day's plans and activities, direct us on how to stay safe and make the group's overall touring experience enjoyable. Although, I would have liked to have had an extra day in Prague and Warsaw to rest or shop around, overall, I had a great time and am looking forward to joining a future tour!
By Sabrina C for JW-Germany-The Way of Integrity on Sep 28, 2024
This trip was amazing, I have returned home so spiritually built up, the guide Tomek was incredible at giving the holocaust facts without making it depressing, He was brimming with info and enthusiasm about our bros their experiences and their endurance, also how Jah was with them all the way. I have learnt so very much. going with such a lovely group of brothers n sisters makes it a special family trip. my Christian family just keeps on growing. 😀
By Linny B for JW-Germany-The Way of Integrity on Sep 24, 2024
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I'd like to refer a dear friend who is interested to travel. We've been in the same congregation for apx 15 years. She's a regular pioneer and very spiritually upbuilding! Brenda Jackson [email protected] Thank you for reaching out to her.
By Pauline S on 13 May, 2024
This was not my first experience traveling to Europe, but it was my first experience with our tour guides I can say for sure, This was one of the best experiences I’ve had. . one day I missed getting on the tour bus for a Tour. I called the tour guys and let them know that I was not on the bus and I would love to join the group. They made arrangements for me to join the group and the tour continued . Their compassion and love went above and beyond . They insured that we were safe they took care of our group as loving Shepherds. They assured that we had the best quality of care with or without them in our travels. We experienced the best restaurants and exciting entertainment. They deserve five stars for a trip that I totally enjoyed. I highly recommend them going forward as outstanding, attentive, professional caring tour guide's Thank you, !!!!!! I’m looking forward to joining you for future trips . Adrienne Wallace
By adrienne w on 25 Apr, 2024