Farm Volunteer Program


12 reviews
Duration: 7 days
Group size: 1 - 10
Farm Volunteer Program

12 reviews

Deposit: $150
Duration: 7 days
Group size: 1 - 10

About this trip

 In a nutshell

Accomodation & Meals in exchange for part payment + part working hourse (5hr per day)

Support rescue and rehabilitation animals
Work to help with animals, farm and building
learn Spanish (optional)
Weekends off for tours
Arrival Sunday - Departure Saturday

Terms & Conditions

 A 25% deposit has to be paid at registration. 

The booking system requires to pay add ons at booking. Nevertheless the add ons are refundable at minus 25% till the arrival day as well as the whole programm fee. 

Payment is non refundable. 

The remaining 75% is due at your arrival day. Since we need long-term planning your registration for the booked time is binding. The fee for the entire period specified by you is due upon your arrival at the farm. In case of early departure, no refund of the fee project is possible. This is true even if we have to exclude you because of a violation of our house and community rules on the further project work. If you wish to terminate your participation, we provide you free to find a suitable matching participant.

If you cannot arrive we are happy to find an alternative date for your stay with us within one year.

House & Community Rules

Welcome to Finca Soley. We are excited to welcome you and share a wonderful experience with you here in Costa Rica. Since we are a community of many different people, we want to respect each other's individual needs. Let us live together in respect and peace. Finca Soley is an ecological farm. We want to reduce, recycle and make best use of all materials. We want to keep our grounds and home clean from toxic or harmful things. Please do not use chemical products, if you need information don’t hesitate to ask us! 

  1. Volunteers have their own space and shared spaces with our guests, employees and family. Volunteer only place is your bedroom. Shared spaces are the kitchen, terrace, living room and bathroom, the wash- and sink area, the barn, the gardens. All spaces must be always tidy and clean. After using a place clean up after yourself. Don’t leave stuff lying around.
    There is a private home of the farm family.Please respect privacy.
  2. The house has quiet time from 8 pm till 8 am and siesta time from 1 pm till 2 pm. During quiet times you can use shared spaces to study, to watch educational videos by using headphones or texting with your family and friends back home. For other activities please use outside spaces.
  3. Officially smoking is forbidden. If you smoke you have to do it outside.
  4. You can use the washing machine. Choose a sunny day and dry them by putting them in the sun. Take your clothes in as soon as they are dry. If it’s raining you can use the dryer.
  5. The study area contains several books and DVDs. If you take a book or a paper copy please write your name and the date in the list above the shelf and cross when returned. Please watch DVDs only on the big screen and return right after use. Books and DVDs are of high value; please treat them with care and respect.
  6. The barn area is always clean and tidy and all equipment on its place. Please support the tack room team by tiding up after using things. The saddles are all imported and need good care, they should not get wet.
  7. The kitchen is always clean and tidy. Keep all opened food (bread, wraps, fruits, flour, sugar etc.) in the fridge. Use top shelf in fridge for goods which are already open and need to be eaten first. Don't waste food. 
  8. The bedroom needs to be cleaned regularly (at least once per week). Please organize yourself to keep it clean and nice. Make your bed in the morning to prevent snake bites. For the same reason don't have things lying around on the floor. Take things out of your bag since they will start to mold when kept inside the suitcase. Food is forbitten in the rooms.
  9. Turn off lights and unplug computer and other machines when not in use.
  10. Cellphone use: Don’t use your phone during work times.
  11. Bathroom. Please throw toilet paper into the bin and separate plastic items. Toilet paper must be burned regularly. Shower once per day, after you finished outside jobs.
  12. Dogs are not allowed inside the house, and not on the terrace. Do not allow animals to jump on you.
  13. We have working hours. Please respect our times off and keep your questions for our working hours.
  14. Horse barn is closed between 6pm and 7am and on Sundays. 
  15. This project is thought as an experimental field, which is created and shaped by its individuals and community. Please think instead of “I dislike” in terms like “maybe we can…”. Think in solutions not problems.
  16. Let’s make it happen together (=


 Please try to bring as less as possible plastic packaging and make sure all your care products are made of natural ingredients as we are an ecological farm. 

ž Long trousers to work (Jeans, Leggings, etc.)

ž Comfortable clothes for the evenings (It can get cold)

ž Clothes for trips

ž Everyday clothes

ž Closed shoes, working boots

ž Sneakers or hiking boots for working and hiking

ž Flip Flops, Sandals or something similar

ž Light longs-leave shirts to protect against sun and insects

ž Cap or sunhat

ž Working gloves

ž Long Raincoat and/or umbrella

ž Riding helmet (We have some on the farm too)

ž Towel (there are some towels here too)

ž Swimsuit

ž Sunscreen and repellent 

ž Flash light - ideally head light

ž Water bottle to refill 

ž Toiletries (shampoo bar & soap bar, organic and bio gradable products as our water maintains in our gardens we cannot use silicone or plastic in our soaps, we also recommend you the moon cup instead of commercial tampons for your trip)

ž Camera

ž Small backpack

ž Booklet and pen to make notes (For Spanish- and Theory lessons)

ž Maybe bum bag 

ž Credit card (Mastercard or Visa. Some banks also accept debit cards)

ž Spanish dictionary

ž First Aid (Plaster, ointment, charcoal tablets, etc.)

ž Our number(isa): 00506 83694339 (= 

· On the farm there are costa rican ladies offering laundry service for 1000 Colones per basket. 

· IF YOU HAVE SPACE LEFT IN YOUR SUITCASE, please let us know. A lot of things you can get easily in your country are difficult, very expensive or impossible to get in Costa Rica.

· We are always happy about any donations for the horses like leather care products, brushes, fly maks, hay nets or everything that is needed in a horse stable.

Arrival info: At the airport check for the “Finca Soley” sign. 

What’s included

  • Food
    3 simple local meals
  • Accomodation
    shared room
  • Learn hands on
    work on our constructions or gardens
  • community life
    live in our wonderful international community of horse and farm lovers
  • pura vida lifestyle
    relax and immerse yourself into nature

Available Packages

Farm Volunteer Program

  Includes in exchange of 5 hr work per day: 

  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, Water (from the tap) , home made Juice, fresh milk, Tea, Coffee 
  • Accommodation in our selfbuilt Volunteer House, with private bathroom  & awesome community spaces
  • Community life on a sustainable farm with horses, cows, chickens, dogs and cats. 
  • Be more sustainable: make bread, make cheese and yogurt, organic gardening, jams and more
  • Social Engagement in the community: give back to the locals by teaching English or offering your skills 
  • We require approx. 5 hours of work daily during the week. 

Example Day

7 - 8 am: mucking out, feed animals, and milking cow. 

8 am: Breakfast

9 am - 12am: Farmwork, building etc. 

12pm: Lunch & Siesta

2 pm: Afternoon Activities  depending on your choice. Like: Spanish course, time to relax, walk to our rural village, take a tour

4 pm: milk cows 

6:30 pm: Dinner and Social time 

Saturday & Sunday are off to explore the area and relax. 

Arrival is Sunday and departure is always on Saturday. 

If you plan to stay more then 12 weeks please get in touch with us. 


Available options

Airport Pickup

Different Location is available, a price difference might occur

Airport Drop off

 Different Location is available, a price difference might occur 

Spanish Course Basic

Please select the number of weeks you like to book the course.

Course includes 3 lessons a 40mins per week

Courses can be mixed. 

Spanish Course Standart

Please select the number of weeks you like to book the course.

This course includes 3 blocks a 3 lessons a 40mins per week.

Courses can be mixed.  

Spanish Course Intensiv

Please select the number of weeks you like to book the course.

Course includes 30 lessons a 40mins per week.

Courses can be mixed.  

Week 2 - 12

Add extra weeks 

Your Organizer

Finca Soley
12 reviews
Educational horse vacation on organic horse farm in beautiful mountain setting.


I had 9 fantastic days being a Volunteer at Finca Soley. The food was amazing and really fresh including homemade butter, cheese, eggs from their own chickens and chicken meat from the neighbors. I learned a lot about horses behaviors and their needs. In the time span that I had been there were no people my age (18) at the Finca but it was fine because I met some very lovely people to spend the free time in the cozy hammocks with. In exchange for more riding lessons I cleaned the 9 stalls, washed some horses and cleaned the dishes every evening for the guests which was a really good offer to me since I was the only one that didn’t book the Retreat Yoga-Programm and otherwise could not have taken part in a lot of activities. At the last day I was the only one left at the Finca and the family took me to their family trip to a circus nearby which was really nice and definitely a very caring and nice gesture. All in all, I would like to say thank you for this amazing experience and greetings from Germany to the whole family.
By Christina B for Simple Horse Stay (Christina) on Mar 12, 2025
The location was paradise, our hosts so delightfully friendly charming and thoughtful, the food delicious and healthy, the horse training and riding insightful and joy filled, the yoga uplifting and rejuvenating, and the other activities super fun.
By Carolyn A for Horse Connection, Liberty and Yoga (Carolyn) on Mar 09, 2025
Ich war nun schon 2 mal bei der Familie Avenado auf der Finca Soley. Einmal 2021 für 4 Wochen alleine und einmal 2025 für 2 Wochen mit meinem 3 jährigen Sohn. Und es war beide Male rundum total schön. Die Finca Soley liegt inmitten von Bergen mit wunderschöner Flora und Fauna drum herum. Vom Balkon aus kann man einen Tee genießen, den Blick über die Berge und den Jungle schweifen lassen und dabei allerlei schöne Vögel wie Kolibris und Tucane beobachten. Die ganze Familie Avenado ist einfach nur super nett und hilfsbereit. Alle geben sich sehr viele Mühe, dass alle Gäste einen schönen Aufenthalt haben und zufrieden sind. Auch mein Sohn hat sich direkt sehr wohl gefühlt und sich auch schonmal morgens ganz selbstverständlich zu ihnen ins Haus mit an den Frühstückstisch gesetzt. Das Essen war lecker und reichlich. Viele Produkte stammen direkt von der eigenen Farm (z.B Milch, Eier, Butter, Käse ...). Die Pferde sind allesamt super lieb und sehr gut ausgebildet. Isa weiß sehr viel über Pferde und die Kommunikation mit ihnen. In den Stunden geht es zum Beispiel um Natural horsemanship, Bodenarbeit oder Reiten. Ich habe seit 30 Jahren mit Pferden zu tun und arbeite nun auch seit 17 Jahren als Pferdewirtin und habe trotzdem beide Male noch sehr viel von Isa dazu gelernt. Sie gestaltet den Unterricht sehr ansprechend und für jeden passend. Da meist jede Woche neue Leute kommen, wiederholt sich auch schonmal was. Jedoch fand ich es meist sogar gut, dass man Dinge nochmal weiter üben / vertiefen konnte. Milton weiß alles über die Flora und Fauna vor Ort und macht gerne mit einem Käse, Joghurt und Butter aus der frischen, selbst gemolkenen Milch. Wenn man das volunteer WORK Programm macht, sollte man sich im klaren sein, dass auf einer Farm sehr viel zu tun ist und man auch wirklich mit anpacken muss. Es wird dennoch alles recht locker angegangen und darauf geachtet, dass keiner überfordert wird und jeder zufrieden mit seinen Tätigkeiten ist. Ich persönlich finde man kann alle Arbeiten in dieser schönen Umgebung sehr genießen. In seiner Freizeit kann man einfach die Zeit mit den zahlreichen Tieren (verschmuste Hunde, Katzen, Pferde, Kühe Hühner... ) auf der schönen Farm genießen, entspannen und Faulenzen (z.B. in Hängematten oder beim Yoga), sich auf den Hügel, wo die Pferde stehen, setzen, ihnen beim grasen zuschauen und die unglaublich schöne Aussicht über die Berge genießen, oder auch die schöne Gegend drum herum erkunden z.B. Wandern gehen, im großen Fluss oder unter Wasserfällen baden. Zudem werden zahlreiche schöne Ausflüge angeboten (z.B. Hotsprings, chocolate tour etc.) Für mich waren beide Aufenthalte mit der Mischung aus netter Gesellschaft, schöner Natur, viel Pferde know how und gutem Essen sehr sehr schön und ich werde definitiv noch ein drittes Mal wieder kommen :-)
By Nicole R for Horse Volunteer Programm on Feb 24, 2025
I had an amazing time at Finca Soley. Isa & her family are fantastic hosts. The farm was more than I expected. The horses were so well taken care of and Analea, our yoga guide has a beautiful heart and warm presence. Hot springs tour was a highlight. Making butter & cheese with Milton was so much fun. It was an unexpected gift to have so many kids around and that everyone was speaking German.
By Jayson P for Horse Connection, Liberty and Yoga on Feb 10, 2025
Es war das Highlight unserer Reise. Casa Perla ist ein tolles Haus mit einer wunderschönen Aussicht. Jsa und ihre Familie sind wundervolle Menschen. Unsere Kinder spielten den ganzen Tag mit ihren Kindern und tummelten frei auf dem Gelände und Hof herum. Unser Pferdeherz erblühte bei all den schönen Pferden und der Reitanlage und wir profitierten von tollen Reitstunden und Ponygames für die Kinder.
By Anja J for Accomodation at Finca Soley on Jan 23, 2025
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