Following Jesus in Israel + Palestine w/ Village Presbyterian Church

      Jerusalem, Israel

      Progressive Pilgrimage
      • Email address verified
      7 reviews
      Nov 5 - 18, 2024
      Group size: 25 - 38
      Following Jesus in Israel + Palestine w/ Village Presbyterian Church
      Jerusalem, Israel

      Progressive Pilgrimage
      • Email address verified
      7 reviews

      Nov 5 - 18, 2024
      Group size: 25 - 38

      About this trip

      This 11-day journey to the Holy Land will bring you close encounters with the land of ancient Judaism and Christianity. Watch the scriptures come to life as you walk through the wilderness and pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Experience modern religious traditions worshiping with Palestinian Christians and walking down the Mount of Olives. Build deep and lasting relationships with others from your congregation through group reflections and shared worship. This itinerary offers a glance at what you can expect in your 11-day pilgrimage. The schedule may be adjusted for efficiency and guide availability. Information about an optional Jordan extension is included following the main itinerary.

      Discounts and Insurance Information

      Early bird discount of $150 per person for registrations received by March 31, 2024. Use discount code EARLY.

      Progressive Pilgrimage offers travel insurance through Allianz's "Group Advantage Plan." Click here to download a brochure. Please note that insurance pricing is based on the KS rate; insurance may be higher for residents of NY, TX, WA, and some other states. If you select insurance and the price is higher than indicated here, Progressive Pilgrimage will contact you before issuing the policy.   

      What’s included

      • Airfare
        Round trip airfare from from Kansas City
      • Hotels
        Nine nights accommodations in Israel and two nights in Jordan in better three-star hotels
      • Ground Transport
        private motorcoach in Israel and Jordan
      • Meals
        Breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily
      • Entrance Fees and Guides
      • Ordained Spiritual Guide
      • Gratuities
      • Educational Resources
      • Jordanian entry visa
        Border taxes and fees

      What’s not included

      • Travel Insurance
      • Meals not specified
      • Alcoholic Beverages

      Available Packages

      Available until July 7, 2024

      I'll only join the Israel portion of the trip.

      Deposit: $500
      Israel + Jordan

      I'll join Israel and the extension to Jordan.

      Deposit: $500

      Available options

      Israel Single Supplement
      6 left
      Deposit: $0

      I would like a single room (no roommate) in Israel.

      Jordan Extension Single Supplement
      Deposit: $0

      I would like a single room (no roommate) in Jordan.

      Insurance: Israel, Double Room
      Deposit: $0

      I'm only going to Israel and sharing a room and would like trip insurance.

      Insurance: Israel + Jordan, Double Room
      Deposit: $0

      I'm going to Israel + Jordan, sharing a room, and would like trip insurance. 

      Insurance: Israel, Single Room
      Deposit: $0

      I'm going to Israel in a single room and would like trip insurance. 

      Insurance: Israel + Jordan, Single Room
      Deposit: $0

      I'm going to Israel + Jordan in a single room and would like trip insurance.


      Tue., November 5, 2024

      Fly from Kansas City to Tel Aviv on United (overnight flight, schedule pending) 

      Your Organizer

      Progressive Pilgrimage
      7 reviews
      Progressive Pilgrimage provides global travel opportunities that stimulate the intellect, enrich the spirit, and build relationships among people of different religions and cultures. Our vision is to inspire Christians to become more engaged citizens, more faithful disciples, and more thoughtful neighbors, shaping God’s peaceable kingdom on earth today.


      Trip was well organized. Logistics including quick access to hotel rooms upon arrival, great bus and driver, communications and local guides all excellent.
      By Lisa T for The "Old Way" to Canterbury with Holy Trinity Episcopal on Dec 19, 2023
      This trip appealed to me because it offered opportunity for walking and time to be in the landscape while a coach was available for those who did not care to do the walking. The guides were very knowledgeable and personable. We had good accommodations and excellent meals. Appreciated the care that Heather and Eric took in accommodating all of us.
      By Patricia B for The "Old Way" to Canterbury with Holy Trinity Episcopal on Dec 19, 2023
      What a great group and what better time than the beginning of Advent to explore pilgrimage. For me, this pilgrimage provided a quiet time to enter into the waiting for the Christ child to be born. The trip was well organized and I appreciated the spiritual dimension Heather and others provided.
      By May T for The "Old Way" to Canterbury with Holy Trinity Episcopal on Dec 18, 2023
      We had a wonderful experience. The trip was very well organized. There were local guides/clergy/docents scheduled at each church/cathedral to inform us of the history, architecture and artwork. Having individual "whisperers" was a terrific help for those with some hearing issues or in the more noisy places. There were walking and non-walking options for each group member to choose. The accommodations were very comfortable, and the food was quite good. Having several meal selections made before we left smoothed out the ordering and serving process. Gluten-free options were always available.
      By Elizabeth H for The "Old Way" to Canterbury with Holy Trinity Episcopal on Dec 13, 2023
      It was a great trip. I found myself occasionally wishing for more moments of spiritual reflection and worship at times. Gathering each night or every other night to reflect/share/pray would have added to making it feel less like a tour and more like a pilgrimage. Eucharist in the loud restaurant wasn't my favorite thing, but I can check it off the list now! I appreciated Eric and Heather's leadership, and especially loved Heather's nimble way of re-centering us on our spiritual purpose whenever the opportunity arose. Praying for St. Andrews after Ian expressed such distress was deeply moving. Supporting another member as she grieved her beloved and scattered ashes was also deeply moving. The mini-retreat was deeply needed! Dawn and Anthony were AMAZING. I wanted so much more of Dawn and appreciated how she stayed centered in herself and her historical passions and supported us as we engaged our spiritual reasons for the pilgrimage. Since we had a fair amount of illness, I found myself wishing there had been clearer back up plans and infection control protocols in place so that we could have met those challenges with more ease... and yet, I am aware that there is not always much to be done and not every outcome can be predicted and prepared for. Over all, such a delightful journey. Thank you so much!
      By Hillary K for The "Old Way" to Canterbury with Holy Trinity Episcopal on Dec 12, 2023
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