Hadzabe(Bushmen) HuntingTour

Lake Eyasi

Moja Africa Experience
  • Email address verified
Duration: 10 days
Group size: 1 - 25
Hadzabe(Bushmen) HuntingTour
Lake Eyasi

Moja Africa Experience
  • Email address verified

Duration: 10 days
Group size: 1 - 25

About this trip


Traditional hunters 

 It is almost impossible to spend time with traditional hunter gatherer  tribes and not affect the way they live. But the Hadzabe in Northern  Tanzania live today as they have lived for thousands of years: hunting  for game with bows and arrows, gathering honey from the beautiful  African baobab trees and digging for roots and tubers from deep within  the arid ground of the acacia bush land. 

Preserve unique culture

 Over the last few decades the Hadzabe bushman have been pushed deeper  and deeper into the bush land, and are now fighting to preserve their  unique culture and traditions. Wayo Africa and a few other like-minded  companies are trying to help the Hadzabe to determine their own future  and receive fair treatment. We have access to the area and by visiting  them funds are channeled straight to various village accounts that act  in their interests. 

Visit Hadzabe village

 We spend time with one of the Hadzabe communities that choose to live a  traditional hunter gather lifestyle. They live far from the normal  tourist route and are therefore very difficult to reach by car. We  always plan to spend three nights in a small mobile camp close to the  Hadzabe village. Also since it is difficult to understand and absorb the  harmony and serenity of the Hadzabe with a flying visit. Three days  allows you to really connect with these wonderful people 

Hunting trip

 One whole day we join the men on hunting and honey gathering trips. We  try to keep groups of guests small in order to avoid alerting the game  to our presence and having an adverse affect on their hunting. The day  could well involve walking and tracking of wild game. Although one might  think that meat forms a large part of the diet, the Hadzabe are largely  vegetarians and the majority of their meals are based around honey and  fruit. 

Join Hadzabe women

 The second day we spend with the women of the village. Joining them as  they forage for roots, tubers and berries. This is a wonderful day  learning about plants and their various uses. 

Close to nature

 Spending time with the Bushmen is a powerful experience and hard to  beat. But we also live and walk in the most beautiful African bush,  constantly surrounded by wild animals. Anybody who enjoys spending time  close to nature, in the wild, will love this trip. Some of our campsites  are set at the foot of a rocky outcrop that is sacred to the Hadzabe  people, and from the top there are stunning views of the valley, and  beyond to the reaches of Lake Eyasi. Most afternoons  are spent in and around camp, relaxing and taking our own bush walks in  the area. By late afternoon, the sunsets from the escarpment are  spectacular. 

Unique cultural encounter

 This cultural experience is one of the most sensitive cultural  encounters available in the world today. The essence of Hadzabe culture  can be summed up in one word: Harmony. They live in harmony with each  other, nature and themselves. 



A visit to the Hadzabe fits well between Tarangire National Park or Manyara and the Ngorongoro Crater.

What’s included

  • An English-Speaking Prof
  • Transport
    All Transport on Safari in 4 x 4 open-roof Land Cruisers
  • Transfers
    All Airport Transfers
  • Meals
    All Meals
  • Fees
    All Park Entry Fees and Crater Service Fees
  • Accommodation
    All Accommodation
  • Safety
    Temporary Medical Service for Emergency on safari

What’s not included

  • Personal
    Things of Personal Nature such as Phone Calls, Laundry
  • Flights
    International Flights
  • Drinks
    Soft Drinks during game drives-Water/Sodas
  • Tips
    Gratuities to your Safari Guides
  • Extra
    Balloon Ride in the Serengeti

Available Packages

Trip Price


Day 1


Arrive JRO and overnight at Rivertrees Country Inn

Your Organizer

Moja Africa Experience
Welcome to Moja Kwa Moja Africa Experience Company. We are a Tan-zanian owned tour company based in Moshi, Tanza-nia at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Benefit from our extensive African safari holiday planning experience and services. We provide you with a Tailored African Safari Holiday Itinerary with options, combined with vetted Quality Travel Products in Tanzania