Tucked into the mountains 12km northwest of Jacmel, Bassin Bleu is a series of three cobalt-blue pools linked by waterfalls that make up one of the prettiest swimming holes in Haiti. a local guide will escort you down an uneven path ,at one point you can even rappel down a rock face to the gorgeous pools, where kids often jump from high rocks.
The three pools are Bassin Clair, Bassin Bleu and Bassin Palmiste. Bassin Clair is the most beautiful of the three, deep into the mountain at the bottom of the waterfall, sheltered and surrounded by smooth rocks draped with maidenhair and creeper ferns.You’re sadly less likely to see the nymphs that, according to legend, live in the grottoes, although be warned that they’ve been known to grab divers attempting to discover the true depth of the pool.
While the mineral-rich waters of Bassin Bleu are a delight at most times of the year, they turn a muddy brown after heavy rainfall.