Janal Pixán Experience

Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Oct 26 - Nov 3, 2025
Group size: 1 - 14
Janal Pixán Experience
Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Deposit: $300
Oct 26 - Nov 3, 2025
Group size: 1 - 14

About this trip

An authentic Janal Pixán experience in Felipe Carrillo Puerto; a small, safe Zona Maya city untouched by tourism.  Stay with a family and live and eat like local while experiencing the real Maya Day of the Dead.   Eight day program filled with cultural activities and once in a lifetime experiences. 

Please note that the itinerary is subject to change and that activities ake take place on different days depending on local event dates etc.

What’s included

  • Accomodation
    6 nights with a local homestay family and one night in Bacalar
  • Food
    Three meals a day with homestay family or as part of organized activities
  • Transfers
    Transfers to and from Tulum airport or town center
  • Full Itinerary
    Full program of activities including overnight trip to Bacalar with accomodation and Maya ceremony on the famous Lagoon of Seven Colors

What’s not included

  • Flights
  • Evening Meal in Bacalar

Available Packages

Janal Pixán Experience
Deposit: $300
Available until September 1, 2025

Price is per person.

Deposit: $300

Available Add-Ons

Support a local student

Na'atik provides much needed English classes for local and Indigenous students, giving them access to educational and career opportunities that would otherwise be denied them. English is requirement for access to most universities and without it local people cannot gain the skills and qualifications they need to compete with their peers from more advantaged parts of the country 


October 26th

Pick up in Tulum

Brief program introduction

Drop off and dinner with homestay family

Your Organizer

Na'atik Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas
Na’atik comes from the Maya expression ‘To’on na’atik’ meaning ‘We’re understanding each other’. We are a nonprofit intercultural language school located in the historic heartland of the Maya Resistance in southern Mexico offering immersive and online language programs in Spanish, Maya and English. We believe that cross-cultural exchange is the key to true understanding.