KSA, Discover Saudi Arabi’s rich culture.

Tabuk Saudi Arabia

Curious Travellers
  • Email address verified
May 20 - 23, 2021
Group size: 3 - 10
KSA, Discover Saudi Arabi’s rich culture.
Tabuk Saudi Arabia

Curious Travellers
  • Email address verified

May 20 - 23, 2021
Group size: 3 - 10

About this trip

مدينة تبوك المدينة الساحرة التي تتميز بأصولها الدينية القديمة، فهي تضم الكثير من المعالم السياحية المشهورة والتي تُعتبر من أهم معالم السياحة في السعودية التي يأتي لزيارتها السُيّاح من كل حدب وصوب.

Tabuk, the capital city of the Tabuk region in northwestern Saudi Arabia, has long been a resting point for Jordanian and Egyptian pilgrims. Its rich culture can be felt in Souq Twaheen, famed for selling patterned rugs and goat-hair tent covers. 

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The Palm Valley
Al-Daisa Tabuk

تعتبر الديسه تبوك Al-Daisa Tabuk من أجمل المعالم السياحية في السعودية وواحدة من ضمن أشهر معالم السياحة في تبوك ، وهي عبارة عن مضيق جبلي يوجد في جنوب غرب تبوك ويعرف باسم وادي قراقر أو وادي دامة نظراً لأنها تشتهر بكثرة النخيل وأشجار الدوم،  بالإضافة إلى انها تشتهر بزراعة الفواكة.

وتعُد من اهم مناطق تبوك جذباً للسياحة والزوّار من البلاد المُجاورة نظراً لتجلّي الطبيعة فيها وكونها تبعث على الراحة والاسترخاء.

Al-Disah valley is characterized by mountain forms and tall rocky columns, making it a mountaineer’s paradise, as well as fresh water springs. The location includes several archaeological sites such as facades of Nabataean tombs, and the remains of walls containing Nabataean and Arabic writings in Kufic script.

Your Organizer

Curious Travellers
She is the lady that likes to allow herself to be molded, shaped, transformed by a place that isn't her home ... finding the ability to think on her feet, her compassion, her love for others. she doesn't like to throw tons of money at some pointless trip just to say I did it. All of our tours are private and arranged just for you and curious traveller group. We work closely with our clients to meet their expectations and budget. curious traveler​ tours allow you the flexibility to see and do what you like!