Los Tuneles

Puerto Villamil, Ecuador

Agora Tours Isabela
  • Email address verified
51 reviews
Duration: 1 day
Group size: 1 - 12
Los Tuneles
Puerto Villamil, Ecuador

Agora Tours Isabela
  • Email address verified
51 reviews

Duration: 1 day
Group size: 1 - 12

About this trip

What is los Tuneles/ Cabo Rosa?

Los  Tuneles is an absolute must-see in the Galapagos island. It emerged from lava platforms collapsing in the sea, which created a natural sea barrier. The underwater lava tubes and formations offer shelter to the diverse marine life from the sometimes harsh sea elements. The usually calm conditions in los Tuneles will give you the opportunity to snorkel with species like penguins, sea lions, white tip sharks, sea horses, sea turtles, giant mantas, eagle, sting and golden rays. Also, you can enjoy observing them conducting important life processes like mating,  nesting or playing.

Detailed tour description


Our journey will begin by embarking our boat at the pier of Puerto  Villamil, where we will see some iguanas and sea lions playing and laying around. Once we get on the boat, you will be welcomed by the crew and receive some information by your guide, while you find your best seat and also put on a life jacket. Then we will be taking off.

Roca Union and dancing boobies

After 45  minutes we arrive at our first stop, the Roca Union. Be ready to take some amazing pictures, as it is a favored fishing spot for Nazca boobies. Also, you will see sea lions taking a nap or brown pelicans flying by. Afterwards, we will get to los Tuneles. This place will be completely different than before, as the ocean calms down significantly due to the solid lava formations. We will disembark and walk along the rocks. Embedded in this mesmerizing scenery you will discover many blue footed boobies. During mating season these birds show off their impressive dancing skills. Just lay back and enjoy the show.

Los Tuneles: Snorkel with sea lions, turtles and rays

After 20-30  minutes it’s time for the best part of the day. Snorkeling! This unique area is very close to our hearts. Therefore, we want to keep this environment, and you of course, safe. Hence, the guide will remind you of the rules of the national park. Additionally, he will provide you with some tips to make your snorkeling even better. After a short fitting and check of the equipment, we will be in the water for at least an hour. This will be your opportunity to play with sea lions, swim with sea turtles, rays, sharks or just enjoy the rich underwater world of Galapagos. Depending on the season and with a little bit of luck you might get a very rare glimpse at this tour. From June to October very majestic humpback whale colonies are traveling past Isabela. Seeing these will most definitely stay in your mind forever.

What’s included

  • Naturalist Guide
  • Transportantion
  • Box Lunch & Beverages
  • Fins & Masks
  • Photo copies

What’s not included

  • Wetsuit

Available Packages

First-class Boat
Available until 1 days before departure

Check before booking to check the departure time (7.30 or 11:30) for your trip date

Standard Boat
Available until 1 days before departure

Check before booking to check the departure time (7.30 or 11:30) for your trip date


Available options

Long Wetsuit

Highly recommended from June to November

Short wetsuit

Your Organizer

Agora Tours Isabela
51 reviews
Joined in June 2022
See profile


Fantastic tour! The snorkeling alone was worth it. Best snorkeling of my life! Saw a ton of giant sea turtles, sharks, sea horses, and a sea lion even swam with us. The guides were fantastic and made sure to take us to all the best spots for sitings. The fitting for the rental gear was also great. They made sure I was comfortable with everything and worked hard to get me fitted properly. Would definitely recommend!
By Taylor B for Los Tuneles on Sep 30, 2024
Super easy and seamless. Made getting around the islands a breeze!
By Taylor B for Ferry Tickets on Sep 28, 2024
Excelente servicio, recomendado!!
By Marcelo O for Los Tuneles + Las Tintoreras (Marcelo) on Sep 05, 2024
Tintoreras kayak Disfrutamos mucho de nuestra excursión en kayak a las Tintoreras, pero por desgracia los pingüinos no estaban allí. Nos decepcionó sólo a medias, ya que habíamos visto algunos los días anteriores. El guía era muy interesante y tenía un gran conocimiento de la flora y fauna de su isla. También nos encantó hacer snorkel en Concha de Perla, por desgracia ya lo habíamos explorado el día anterior ya que es un lugar muy accesible (volvimos una tercera vez ya que la cantidad de animales en Concha de Perla es impresionante) Túneles Los túneles son una parte mágica de la isla: la lava ha llegado hasta el mar, que luego la ha mordisqueado para hacer una especie de «queso gruyère» ideal para la vida animal y vegetal. En nuestra sesión de snorkel vimos 3 caballitos de mar, lo que nos impresionó mucho. Los caballitos de mar son muy grandes (unos veinte centímetros) y no temen a los humanos (siempre que mantengan las distancias). Es mejor bucear primero, ya que los grupos de turistas levantan las algas del suelo y la visibilidad empeora a medida que avanza la mañana. También vimos tiburones de puntas blancas, tortugas marinas y muchos peces. Luego hay un breve desembarque en la lava para poder observar a los piqueros de patas azules y las tortugas marinas desde fuera (ya que el agua es cristalina). Nos habría encantado pasar más tiempo "en tierra", pero por desgracia teníamos que volver.
By Sergio M for Discubre Isabela (Sergio) on Sep 03, 2024
Ich habe Agora Tours aufgrund einer Empfehlung in einem Facebook Post gefunden und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Der Ausflug wurde sehr professionell geführt und das Equipment (Schnorchel, Brille, Flossen und langer wetsuit) waren in einem top Zustand. Wir haben sehr viel gesehen (Seepferde, Haie, Rochen, Seelöwen und viele bunte Fische). Es war ein fantastischer Ausflug und wir können Alicia und ihr Team absolut empfehlen! Vielen Dank!
By Christian L for Los Tuneles on Aug 13, 2024
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