57 reviews
Feb 6 - 10, 2019
Group size: 2 - 25

57 reviews

Feb 6 - 10, 2019
Group size: 2 - 25

About this trip

Andean bears are one of the most emblematic and elusive mammals found in the highlands and cloud forests of Ecuador.  Since 2008, our tour guide, bear ecologist Santiago Molina, has been conducting scientific research on Andean bear populations in different parts of Ecuador. The scientific knowledge generated has lead to the creation of the Andean Bear Corridor in the Northwest of Quito, and to the recognition of the bear as the emblematic mammal of the city of Quito. The surroundings of Quito provide different opportunities to find wild bears and other emblematic fauna with good chances of close encounters. Bears can be found in the cloud forests and paramos (highlands) around the District of Quito. However, because of the dense vegetation in cloud forests, the encounters are difficult and depend on the availability of a special fruit in a private reserve and the surroundings (two months every year, no season pattern); or hiking to areas where researchers have deployed camera traps for monitoring the bear populations: exciting, but time- and physically demanding.

It is  in the paramo, north east of Quito where, in few days, you can increase your probabilities of a great encounter with bears and other Andean wildlife, sometimes close enough to have wonderful views and photographs.

The area to visit covers the surroundings of two national parks with special natural feeding sites where the presence of bears is frequent all year around.  The paramo ecosystem is mainly flat and covered with grasslands, small bushes and elfin trees, making it easier to search for bears. The area has a system of roads and trails of varying difficulty, allowing us to cover big extensions of territory in short time. Other wild mammals that may be encountered during the tour are: Andean Fox, White tailed Andean deer, Andean Tapir: and the rare Puma, Pampas cat, and Pudu. A visit to the cloud forest is the perfect complement in this journey, with chances of seeing the newly discovered Olinguito, a Kinkajoo,  and Tayra among other species.


Early pick up from your hotel in Quito and head out to Tambo Condor Reserve. In the surroundings of Tambo Condor, a locally owned private reserve, bears are frequently seen. Search for the Andean Bear and other wildlife, including the Andean Condor. Enjoy the presence of several species of hummingbirds visiting the feeders around the Reserve.

Later, continue to explore Antisana National Park and La Mica Lake, with chances of seeing the Andean deer and Andean fox.

Enjoy a box lunch while you admire the beauty of the landscape.

Antisanilla, one of Jocotoco Foundation’s reserves offers good opportunities for bear  watching: it hosts a large congregation of Puyas, the bears’ favorite food in the paramo. Horses available to explore the Reserve will allow you to cover more ground increasing your chances for wildlife encounters

Dinner and overnight in Tambocondor.

INCLUDES: Pick up from your hotel in Quito, private transportation, specialized bilingual guide, entrance fees to the Reserves,  lunch, dinner, overnight at Tambo Condor, breakfast. 



After breakfast in Tambocondor, you will head out to Papallacta Pass, in Cayambe National Park. Along the highway there are several sites with Puya congregations, where you will have good chances for bear encounters. Taking secondary roads around the National Park will allow you to explore areas that are not commonly visited. If weather allows, you can hike through the paramo on beautiful trails with good chances for wildlife encounters.

Later, move on to Guango Reserve for lunch. After lunch you will hike along the trails  around the lodge to get a taste of the beautiful Andean temperate forests. There are opportunities to find Andean tapir in the area.

Dinner and overnight in Guango Lodge.

INCLUDES: Private transportation, specialized bilingual guide, entrance fees to the Reserves, lunch, dinner, overnight at Guango Lodge, breakfast.


After breakfast, head out to Cayambe  National Park. A special permit will allow your guide to drive you within the Park, reaching several sites that bears have been regularly visiting. 

Enjoy a box lunch in the National Park, and then continue to explore the area around Papallacta Pass and the Papallacta- Pifo Highway.

Overnight in Garden Hotel San Jose de Puembo.

INCLUDES: Private transportation, specialized bilingual guide, entrance fees to the Reserves, lunch,  overnight at Garden Hotel San Jose de Puembo, breakfast.


After breakfast, head out towards Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve. Waterfalls and pristine subtropical rainforest vegetation on this 700 hectare property  are truly outstanding. This combination invites you to a day excursion in the surroundings, which will acquaint you with the exuberant vegetation of the cloud forest, its  diversity, and the fascinating adaptations of life in this unique ecosystem. Bellavista's resident mammals include the Spectacled Bear, as well as the the newly described Olinguito. When this species was discovered, it was the first time that scientists had named a new carnivorous mammal found in the Americas in 35 years! Researchers at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History were examining fur and skeletal samples from several species of olingos that had been preserved in the collections of various museums. In the process, they noticed that some specimens were significantly smaller and also displayed other differences. They did some DNA testing to double check, and it turned out that these smaller specimens indeed were not olingos at all, but rather a new species, which they named “ Olinguito”  (Bassaricyon neblina). 

At the lodge they have set a fruit feeder that attracts this nocturnal and otherwise elusive species. The night also offers the chance to see kinkajoos.  In the next morning you might have the chance to see Tayras (Eira barbara), an omnivorous mammal from the weasel family, native to the Neotropics.

INCLUDES: Private transportation, specialized bilingual guide, entrance fees to the Reserves, lunch, dinner, overnight at Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve, breakfast.


After breakfast, explore a new trail while enjoying the unmatched beauty of the cloud forest. On your way back to Quito a stop at Alambi Reserve is a must: it is a hummingbird paradise where  over 12 species visit their feeders every day. It's an outstanding place  right  by the main road.

INCLUDES: Private transportation, specialized bilingual guide, entrance fees to the Reserves, lunch, drop off at your hotel in Quito.

What’s included

  • Private transportation
  • Private guide
    Bilingual, specialized
  • Meals
    All meals detailed above
  • Accommodation
    In double room
  • Entrance fees
    All excursions and entrance fees to the reserves

What’s not included

  • TIPS
  • Dinner on Day 3
    Dinner at San Jose de Puembo
  • Personal expenses
    Souvenirs, additional drinks, snacks, alcoholic beverages
  • Horse rental
    At Antisanilla reserve, optional

Available Packages

Trip Price

Available options

Horse rental

Your Organizer

Neotropical Nature and Birding Trips
57 reviews
We provide unique experiences in some of the most exciting and biodiverse destinations in South America. Our aim is to create unforgettable life changing experiences with deep connection with nature, exploring unique habitats and creating unmatched wildlife and photography opportunities. With a firm conviction that responsible tourism is a powerful tool to promote environmental awareness and conservation, we share our passion for nature and contribute to local initiatives of conservation and long-term sustainable development.


Our family's birding adventure at Zuroloma Reserve with Neotropical Tours was nothing short of extraordinary. It wasn't just a trip, it was an immersion into an avian paradise that left us speechless. Our guide, Dario Hipo, was a true expert, leading us to hidden gems where we witnessed the legendary Sword-billed Hummingbird, our most sought-after species, in all its glory. His passion for photography was evident as he patiently taught me how to capture 13 magnificent hummingbird species in flight, a skill I had long aspired to master but had never attempted before. But the highlight of our trip was undoubtedly the antpittas. These secretive birds are notoriously difficult to spot, but thanks to Dario's expertise, we had perfect looks at three species: Chestnut-naped, Equatorial, and Tawny. It was a birder's dream come true! Dario's cousins added another layer of expertise to the experience. Their keen eyes and understanding of bird behavior helped us capture frame-worthy shots, ensuring perfect lighting, backgrounds, and perches. And then there was the thrill of hand-feeding hummingbirds! An experience that connected us to these tiny wonders in a way we'll never forget. We visited Zuroloma specifically to see the birds that frequent feeders, but Dario also took us to more remote forest highlands where we encountered even more elusive species. The sheer diversity of birds we encountered was mind-blowing: Sparkling Violetear, Lesser Violetear, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Tyrian Metaltail, Sapphire-vented Puffleg, Shining Sunbeam, Collared Inca, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Mountain Velvetbreast, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Buff-tailed Coronet, White-bellied Woodstar, Speckled Hummingbird, Chestnut-naped Antpitta, Equatorial Antpitta, Tawny Antpitta, Band-tailed Pigeon, Turquoise Jay, White-tailed Tyrannulet, White-crested Elaenia, Black-crested Warbler, Variable Hawk, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, American Kestrel, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Azara's Spinetail, Plain-tailed Wren, Blackish Tapaculo, Tufted Tit-Tyrant, Crowned Chat-Tyrant, Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant, Brown-bellied Swallow, Great Thrush, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Spectacled Redstart, Cinereous Conebill, Glossy Flowerpiercer, Black Flowerpiercer, White-sided Flowerpiercer, Masked Flowerpiercer, Plushcap, Blue-capped Tanager, Hooded Mountain Tanager, Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Rufous-chested Tanager, and Red-crested Cotinga. To top it all off, lunch at Villa Doris in Nono was a delicious treat. Neotropical Tours didn't just meet our expectations, they blew them away. This trip was an unforgettable adventure into the heart of nature's wonders, and we can't recommend Dario and Neotropical enough!
By Vinay K for ZUROLOMA RESERVE PHOTO & BIRDING TOUR ws on Aug 25, 2024
I had a great experience on the 2024 Brazil Atlantic Forest tour with Neotropical Nature and Birding Trips. We were able to see a wide array of birds, including many endemics, and other life, with great scenery and the ability to sample local foods and deserts. Local specialist guides were also used to maximize our experience. The guides were also particularly attentive to helping me optimize photography experiences. I highly recommend the tour.
By David C for 2024 BRAZIL’S ATLANTIC FOREST TOUR on Aug 19, 2024
My husband and I went on the full day Mindo tour with afternoon lek option and had a wonderful guide named Gabriel. Would highly recommend! They were so knowledgeable about all the birds and loved sharing their passion with us. The ride was comfortable and they were very accommodating to what we wanted to see. Thank you!
By Laura H for MINDO FULL DAY TOUR ws on Aug 17, 2024
Our tour to the Antisasa with Santiago was the highlight of our time in Ecuador!
By Lora D for ANTISANA CONDOR FULL DAY TOUR ws on Jul 11, 2024
My guide was great, super knowledgeable, informative, personable, and a great driver. We saw condors and many other birds in a spectacularly beautiful area of Ecuador. And lunch was fantastic.
By Laurie D for ANTISANA CONDOR FULL DAY TOUR ws on Jul 04, 2024
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