Our adventure will take place from February 4-10 and will not only be yoga retreat, but a journey of giving back to girls’ education with daily yoga and “making meditation” jewelry workshops. We begin our retreat with 3 nights of surf side lodging in San Juan Del Sur. The second portion of the trip will include 3 nights tucked into teepees and two opportunities to meet with the girls of the Girls Home, which will include a beading workshop and a playful yoga practice. Our trip will culminate on the back of a pick up truck journeying through coffee country.
- 3 nights accommodation at Seven Arrows Surf Lodge, Playa Maderas http://www.sevenarrowsurf.com
- 3 nights accommodation at HabitArte Yoga Sanctuary
- 1-2 yoga classes a day
- 3 jewelry workshops (all materials and tools will be provided)
- 3 meals per day starting with dinner on February 4th and ending with breakfast on February 10th (pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options available)
- Transportation to the highlands/coffee country in Miraflor
- Guided hike through coffee country
- $300 tax-deductible donation to the Girls Home
- Donation towards the Mobile Library Bus Project, "El Libro Volador" http://bibliobusmiraflor.wix.com/ellibrovolador#