The Darién, as the entire eastern-most region of Panama is called, is one of the most diverse and species-rich regions of Central America. Here, some of the last large, relatively untouched swathes of lowland rainforest await to be explored. Long revered by avid birders as a haven for rare species, including the majestic Harpy Eagle, Panama’s national bird, this region is now readily accessible by a new highway, extending through the spine of Panama right into the heart of this bird-rich land!
During this exciting, highly-recommended 7-night adventure, we visit, en route to the Canopy Camp, the foothills of Nusagandi in search of the elusive Sapayoa, and the Bayano Reservoir, to look for such specialties as the beautiful Black Antshrike, Rufous-winged Antwren and stunning Orange-crowned Oriole. We also visit the swampy meadows of Yaviza and the riparian forests of Río Torti, the haunts of the magnificent Spot-breasted Woodpecker! We will sample the great birding around El Real where we hope to get excellent views of Black-capped Donacobius, Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Large-billed Seed-Finch, Rufous-tailed Jacamar and many others. After one night in Panama City, we spend the rest of our nights at the Canopy Camp, where we will enjoy world-class birding and supremely comfortable, large, Safari-style tent accommodations. The protected forests of the Filo de Tallo Hydrological Reserve surround the camp and are home to such regional specialties as Gray-cheeked Nunlet, White-headed Wren, Spectacled Parrotlet, Double-banded Graytail, and Pale-bellied Hermit - right in the gardens! Adding to the impressive list of sightings would be that both of the highly-coveted Harpy & Crested Eagles have nested very close to the camp in recent years!
Birds will certainly not be the only wildlife we encounter on this Venture! Sloths, monkeys, frogs (including several poison dart species), bats, and beautiful moths and butterflies also inhabit this biologically-diverse region and we will surely be appreciating these as well. This is not a trip to be missed!