Pingüinos y Ballenas Express from Puerto Natales

Isla Magdalena/Parque Marino Francisco Coloane

Feel Patagonia SpA
  • Email address verified
4 reviews
Duration: 2 days
Group size: 2 - 13
Pingüinos y Ballenas Express from Puerto Natales
Isla Magdalena/Parque Marino Francisco Coloane

Feel Patagonia SpA
  • Email address verified
4 reviews

Duration: 2 days
Group size: 2 - 13

About this trip


 Un Viaje al Corazón de la Patagonia: Pingüinos, Ballenas y Glaciares en el Fin del Mundo.

 **Esta excursión está sujeta a cancelación por condiciones climáticas** 


A Journey to the Heart of Patagonia: Penguins, Whales and Glaciers at the End of the World.

 ** This tour is subject to cancellation due to weather conditions.** 

What’s included

  • Transfer
    Transfer from Puerto Natales
  • Sailing
    Sailing to isla magdalena
  • Ticket
    Ticket for the Magdalena Island reserve
  • Ticket
    Ticket for full day with whales
  • Lunch
    Lunch in navegation with whales
  • Cheers
    Cheers with ice millionare

What’s not included

  • Accommodation
    Does not include accommodation in Punta Arenas

Available Packages

Pingüinas y Ballenas From Puerto Natales
Available until 2 days before departure

 +12 years old ticket. 

Se necesita un minimo de 2 personas para reservar. 



Pingüinos y Ballenas
Pingüinos y Ballenas Express

• 4:00 a.m. Salida desde Puerto Natales

• 7:00 a.m. Llegada e inicio de navegación en Bahía Laredo

• 11:30 a.m. Dirección hacia Punta Arenas y drop off

• Alojamiento en Punta Arenas (Estancia u opcional)

• 4:00 a.m. Check in en oficinas Solo Expediciones.

• 5:00 a.m. Zarpe desde Punta Carrera

• 9:30 a.m. Coffee break

• 12:30 p.m. Almuerzo abordo

• 17:00 p.m. Retorno hacia Punta Arenas

A las 04:00 A.M. comenzamos nuestra aventura desde Puerto Natales, rumbo a Bahía Laredo. A las

07:00 A.M., zarpamos hacia Isla Magdalena, hogar de miles de pingüinos de Magallanes. Mientras

caminamos por la isla, los pingüinos, concentrados en sus nidos, nos dejarán maravillados con su

curiosidad y cercanía. Regresamos a Punta Arenas al mediodía para reponer energías y tener tiempo de

visitar la ciudad.

Al día siguiente, a las 04:00 A.M. Nos dirigimos al Sur de Punta Arenas , dirección opuesta de isla

Magdalena, hasta Punta Carrera, desde donde zarparemos. Esta increíble navegación nos lleva por el

estrecho de Magallanes, pasando por el faro San Isidro y avistando el Cabo Froward, el punto más

austral del continente americano. Nuestra meta es el Parque Marino Francisco Coloane, donde veremos

de cerca a las majestuosas ballenas jorobadas y sus crías.Continuaremos hasta el glaciar helado con su

increíble hielo azul, donde disfrutaremos de un whisky con hielo milenario.Tras un día lleno de maravillas

naturales, regresamos a Punta Arenas alrededor 05:00 P.M.

Your Organizer

Feel Patagonia SpA
4 reviews
We are a group of Magellanic companies, dedicated to special interest tourism, that seek to convey to travelers the unique experience of feeling Chilean Patagonia in all its breadth. Feel Patagonia is a local tour operator dedicated to special interest tourism and the design of custom programs in Patagonia. Touring all corners of our extensive region, Tierra del Fuego, Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine National Park, Southern Ice Field, Punta Arenas, Strait of Magellan and Southern Fjords.


Great program with lots of difference experiences. Brilliant drivers and guides providing very interesting comments and always very kind
Terrible, nos cancelaron la reserva el mismo día y ya no pudimos ver a los pinguinos :(. Creo que deberían coordinar mejor las ventas con sus distintas agencias para evitar dejar a la gente varada.
By Carlos R for Isla Magdalena/Marta from Punta Arenas on Feb 19, 2024
Booking the trip was easy, we were picked up and taken to the boat. The penguin tour was great, the staff on the boat were amazing, but when the tour company picked us back up in the van to take us back to Puerto Natales (where they had picked us up in the morning) everything went wrong. The driver started the drive back, was stopped at a checkpoint and was told he didn't have the correct documents to continue driving us back to Puerto Natales and drove us back to Punta Arenas. 3 of the 8 of us in the van had a flight to catch that night in Puerto Natales and the tour company refused to pay for anything except a bus ticket to get us back. After 3 full buses passed over 45 minutes we told them they needed to get us a taxi or an Uber since we were still 2.5 hours away from the airport. They told us that Taxi's and Ubers are expensive. We were getting closer and closer to missing our flight so 3 of us decided to put our money together and get a taxi. The company didn't refund any of us for our trip and showed disregard for our need to catch a flight. We are still unsure why the driver for the company was not allowed to drive us back from where he picked us up when that is his job.
By Shayla K for NAV ISLA MAGDALENA PNT SHEYLA 17-01-24 on Jan 22, 2024
We had a good time.

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