Re-Activate My Life Women's Retreat

Grenada, Caribbean island

Sandra G. M. Jarvis
  • Email address verified
Duration: 7 days
Group size: 10 - 999
Re-Activate My Life Women's Retreat
Grenada, Caribbean island

Sandra G. M. Jarvis
  • Email address verified

Duration: 7 days
Group size: 10 - 999

About this trip

SIck and tired of:- 

- being exhausted and/or experiencing burnout?

- wearing "the mask" and worst "doing the show" and putting up with things that are no longer serving you?

- being in soul-destroying environmments or relationships?

- fearful, overwhelmed and procrastinating over taking stock on yourself/life

- going round and round trying to figure out how to get your life back on track?

Join our Re-Activate My Life team for the perfect opportunity to unwind, release the tension, catch your breath and ponder your destiny on the paradise island of Grenada.  Experience daily, an eclectic mix of holistic therapies and empowerment tools that will enable you let go of past traumas, worries and fears.  We have a team of therapists on hand providing Emotional Yoga, meditation, prayer, freedom Techniques, Reiki,  Sedona Method to name a few that you can access daily whilst on your retreat.


Spend blissful moments whilst meditating, practising your Yoga postures or whilst swimming in the Caribbean sea.  Revel in the sensation of being on the beach with sand between your toes.  Feel the water caressing your skin and reviving your spirit.   Take part in '"Release the Tension" activities with like minded-women as network from the moment you reach Grenada.  Complete empowerment exercises individually and in group sessions that will unlock your creativity and provide you with epiphanies and Aha! moments. 

Be out in nature as you explore the beautiful scenery whilst hiking or taking part in some water sports.  This fun trip will bring out your inner child, you feel calm and relaxed as you begin to see what needs to enter your life, exit your life and stay in your life.   

On this retreat you will uncover the yearnings of your soul, and get rapid clarity as you piece together the fragments of your life.  The sessions will empower you to  learn the lessons, find the blessings so that you can begin the healing process and move towards your heart's desires. 

The Re-Activate My Life Retreat is all about enabling you to connect with the spirit within you, so that you can unleash untapped potential.  You will be introduced to a number of empowerment tools eg. meditation, ho'oponopono, sedona method, journaling, affirmations, mastermind circles, mirror work to help you gain clarity and go on to create life plans and life scripts for your new life. 

7 Reasons Why You Should Come On Our Re-Activate My Life Retreat

1.  Take time out to exhale, fine tune your vision, mission, purpose and dreams to create a purpose driven life.

2. Network with supportive like-minded Women as you share your dreams and aspirations

3. Work on preparing your "bucket list" of all the things you would prefer to experience being, doing and having in your lifetime

4. Have a once in a lifetime, yet unforgettable experience learning how to pamper your mind, body and spirit daily.

5. Learn self-mastery tools that will enable you to upgrade your thinking/life and heal your life.

6. Explore the delights of the Caribbean, the sun, sea, beaches, and taste the delights of food/drink to replenish and rejuvenate your mind, body, heart and soul.

7. Learn how to use the Laws of Attraction to align your mind, body and spirit to manifest the things you want,

What’s included

  • Retreat
  • Workshops
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Selected Excursions
  • Meditation
  • Networking Opportunities

What’s not included

  • Flights
  • Extra drinks
  • Some excursions

Available Packages

Re-Activate My Life Retreat (Silver)


This includes:-   - Retreat plus 5 X workshops

- Hotel room (shared with other participants)

- 2 X Spa & holistic therapy treatments

- 5 X Breakfasts | 6 X Lunches | 6 X Dinners

- Entertainment - Drinks reception on arrival and celebratory last night drinks 

- porterage to and from Grenada airport

- 6 X Excursions & daily Activities

- Drinks included in lunch and complimentary drink for dinner (excludes extras)

- Re-Activate My Life Journal 

- Re-Activate My Life Workbook

- email service

(  this package does not include costs for flights )

Retreat & Mastermind Package (Gold)


This includes Re-Activate My Life Retreat, plius

- 5 X workshops

- Hotel room (shared with other participants)

- 2 X Spa & holistic therapy treatments during the retreat

- 5 X Breakfasts | 6 X Lunches | 6 X Dinners

- Entertainment - Drinks reception on arrival and celebratory last night drinks 

- 6 X Excursions & daily Activities

- Drinks included in lunch and complimentary drink for dinner (excludes extras)


plus . . .  

Post Retreat:  3 X 1½ VIP Away Day trips to a luxury spa/hotel in the UK or Portugal consisting of:-   

- Spa & holistic therapy treatment & champagne or drink of your choice

- Re-Activate My Life Journal 

- Re-Activate My Life Workbook

- email service - 3 X VIP Mastermind & Planning sessions ( 3 X monthly @ 90 mins each ) where you get to use other members in the Mastermind Circle as your sounding board to help you fine tune your vision in fixing your life.  

Retreat & 1:1 Coaching Package (Diamond)

 This includes Re-Activate My Life Retreat . . .

- 5 X workshops

- Hotel room (shared with other participants)

- 2 X Spa & holistic therapy treatments during the retreat

- 5 X Breakfasts | 6 X Lunches | 6 X Dinners

- Entertainment - Drinks reception on arrival and celebratory last night drinks 

- 6 X Excursions & daily Activities

- Drinks included in lunch and complimentary drink for dinner (excludes extras)

 Plus . . .

 Post Retreat:  3 X 1½ VIP Away Day trips to a luxury spa/hotel in the UK or Portugal consisting of:- 

3 X Mastermind & Goal-Planning sessions (duration 1½ day)

- Spa & holistic therapy treatment & champagne or drink of your choice

- Re-Activate My Life Journal 

- email service

- 12 X telephone feedback calls (1 per week: 3 month duration)



Day 1
Arriving In Grenada & Arrival Drinks

Once you touch down at Maurice Bishop International Airport and collected your luggage we will have celebratory drinks for you to feast on.  We will also have taxis nearby to meet and greet you and whisk you away to your hotel.  

You will take time to freshen up, and If time permits you will have a choice of holistic therapies to help ease out the knots and tension in your body.


We have planned for you Celebratory Dinner & Drinks. 

We also have a Networking event for all participants to get to know each other,  including ice-breakers, speed-networking, release the tension session and entertainment.  

Your Organizer

Sandra G. M. Jarvis
Having experienced depression and burnout I discovered that what I once saw as my mess has now become an empowering message of hope. Grenada was my defining moment. Whilst there I experienced aha moments, epiphanies and spiritual awakenings, this empowered me to simplify and heal my life, and focus solely on living my life on purpose. After many years of organising networking events and empowerment seminars, I am now focused on creating "Re-Activate empowerment parties and retreats for Women in Search of Happiness. I love my life!