My belief is that what we do ON the mat is simply practice for what we do OFF the mat. How you talk to yourself, how you approach a challenging situation, how you receive, and how you do you anything in your mat practice is usually a direct reflection of what's happening in your everyday practice of life (the real yoga).
I also believe that what you put is what you get out. Put positive thoughts into your mind, and it will respond to see the positive in other people and situations. Put good food into your body, and it will respond to fuel you how you want; after all, the gut is second brain, right?
So, here I am sharing what I've learned along this journey called life. In class, you can expect a physical challenge. Sometimes we'll work through that challenge with a playful attitude. Sometimes we'll step into a more introspective and meditative space of observation. As a teacher, I encourage and focus on making mindful choices based on what you need that day. See you on the mat!