Revive and Renew: AMI Reunion Retreat

Bozeman, MT, USA

Apr 5 - 7, 2024
Group size: 8 - 16
Revive and Renew: AMI Reunion Retreat
Bozeman, MT, USA

Apr 5 - 7, 2024
Group size: 8 - 16

About this trip

Adventure Mamas Initiative (AMI) is a nationwide nonprofit organization that supports all who identify with the experience of being a mother. We provide an inclusive space for mothers to be authentic, build a community of support, and nurture reconnection with self through all phases of motherhood.

Join AMI for the first in-person gathering since 2022! We’re so thrilled to re-launch our program offerings by inviting 16 adventurous souls to journey inward for this magical weekend. Tend to your mind, body and soul while immersed in the vast, mountainous landscape of Montana. We are delighted to partner with Mothers Moving Mountains to create a weekend full of meaningful connection to self, strengthened bond of community, and expanded joy and adventure.

In early April, we begin to see the signs of spring. A sense of emergence takes over and we feel the pull from the dark winter into the colorful bloom of new life. It’s a beautiful, transitional time of the year where we can witness the turn of the seasons and appreciate our own drive  for renewal, emergence, and balance. After a long hiatus of in-person events, this weekend has been crafted with a skillful combination of mindful restorative practices, adventurous bouts in the wilderness, and reflective opportunities. Unwind, come home to yourself, connect with other like-minded mamas, and renew yourself in nature’s wonders.

From morning yoga practices, daily hiking (or cross country  skiing as weather permits) in nature, journaling and meditation, creative expression, nightly soulful discussions around a bonfire with a glass of wine (or your bev of choice). Each mama will receive the guidance and support needed to restore personal balance and integrate more nourishment into their lives as sovereign women.

Accommodations & Amenities

We will be gathering at Hardscrabble Ranch, just outside Bozeman, MT. At the base of the Bridger Mountains, along Brackett Creek, this tucked away destination offers access to several miles of hiking/mountain biking trails on site, and easy access to Bridger Bowl Ski area and sweeping views of Ross Peak. We will have exclusive access to the entire 78 acre property which includes a thoughtfully converted and repurposed barn and several restorative spaces that will help us create the perfect container to release, rest and renew.

With access to two lodges, you'll sleep in a cozy bed in a shared or private room. Take the weekend off from mom duties as you'll be nourished with delicious, organic meals prepared by a wildly hilarious and masterful chef and have the opportunity to receive mini energy healing sessions throughout the weekend. This is your oasis to reconnect and revive!


I had initially signed up for the Mothers Moving Mountains retreat with Tiffany because my sister found it and she and I wanted to get away together. Although I was slightly skeptical about the weekend, we walked into the house to a sincere, warm welcome and to a group of truly amazing women. From the opening circle, where we all went around saying a bit about ourselves and why we were there, to yoga and movement, the beautiful meals, hikes, rituals, journaling and socializing, I felt such a deep level of connectedness and purpose. Although I avoid going deep with all people except my very closest (and even then not very often), I found myself opening up to a space of vulnerability I hadn’t accessed in a long time. It was safe and loving, and it made way for some of the most profound healing I have ever felt. There is a magic to how Tiffany brings women together to allow for opening and healing, without pressure, and cultivates a space of play, joy and humanness. I cannot recommend a MMM retreat more–it will change your life.

-Johnna F. (Mother, CEO, Retreat Participant)

Motherhood is awesome and tough, challenging how I see my ‘freedom’ compared to pre-mom times. Becoming a part of the AMI expedition team gave me a needed goal that inspired me to focus on fitness again. It surrounded me with like-minded, incredible women who not only related, but became close friends. It reminded me that I’m not only a great mom, but a great woman who still has the skills, sense of adventure, and capability to go big. I came back inspired for myself, my family, my writing, my future…and that’s exciting.

-Nixa, MO

In a group setting – even one that starts with complete strangers – Tiffany encourages & celebrates open sharing – but does not demand or force it. The result is that the group quickly develops into a team listening to and pulling for each other. Tiffany is both the coach and a teammate. As the coach she leads by example, insures everyone is included and helps us pause to celebrate how far we have come while nudging us to go well beyond what we thought possible. As a teammate, there is no doubt (in my mind or heart) that she has my back. One-on-one Tiffany listens and nurtures so much deeper than the surface and, I swear, looks straight through my eyes and into my soul. She has a gift of asking questions that make me think about what I really want and what I need to release.

-Kim S. (Mother, Professional, Retreat Participant)

Vulnerability and badassery are compatible, maybe inseparable…Taking care of my boys means teaching them what a woman is really like: I am a woman who follows my passions, does hard things, makes myself stronger every day, and-toughest of all-seeks help when I need it. But I had lost sight of those things…My divorce was final just two months before the AMI Expedition. I was in a mental place where I sought peace, balance, and a version of myself I could love and respect, regardless of others’ opinions. In the training, bonding with other badass mom-babes, hiking & more hiking, outrunning storms & tossing my need for oxygen aside, I found exactly what I need…I returned to my love of mountaineering, my outdoor addiction, and fell in love with like-minded women and building meaningful relationships.

-Colleen, CO

Recently I had the opportunity to participate in a Patagonia group retreat featuring trekking, mindfulness, and yoga. I’ve been on many adventures over the years, mostly self-planned and with family and so I didn’t know what to expect out of mindfulness and yoga. As the Root Adventure tour leader, Tiffany Grimm took the time, pre-trip, to organize group communication in which she educated us, set expectations, and encouraged us to voice our fears and concerns which really went a long way in building an undeniable bond among all of the participants, a bond that has continued post trip. Tiffany’s encouragement to be present in the moment, through yoga (at your own level), meditation and reflection, personally helped me to let go of distractions and emotional baggage I brought and to focus on the present, drinking in the magical experience of Patagonia. There just aren’t enough words to describe how Tiffany and this adventure have changed me.

-Glenda H. (Mother, Professional, Retreat Participant)

Tiffany's retreat was SO many things… an opportunity for deep, soul-searching reflection, intentional movement, moms truly supporting each other, energy clearing and awakening, with a lot of fun and creativity mixed in.  All led by Tiffany, who is so intuitive and absolutely meant to take women on this journey.  And, the food… simply amazing!  It was everything I needed and wanted it to be!

-Jessica F. (Mother, Professional, Retreat Participant)

Tiffany Grimm was an amazing leader on my recent trip to the Patagonia in Chile. I was new to yoga and mediation and honestly didn’t know what to expect. Tiffany worked with everyone on their individual level and personal journey. What I enjoyed most about Tiffany was her calmness, joy in life and her connection to her environment, as these qualities were contagious within the group. In the end, Tiffany’s ability to connect with each individual made the experience very powerful and something I will never forget! Thank you Tiffany for sharing your zest for life, humble connection to the environment around you and your leadership in my first mindfulness and meditative retreat! An unforgettable experience!  

-Diane  (Mother, Professional, Retreat Participant)

I have been to a host of retreats and there is such an art in holding space for an entire community in a way that the person leading the retreat doesn’t become the center of the experience. I have experienced very few of such guides and was not surprised (because Tiff is pure brilliance) but incredibly pleased to experience a community where the magic of each individual was honored; where synergy was found and where the divine spoke through each one of us in unique ways. As a mama of twins who really needed some time to connect with SELF, the retreat gave me a space to do just that and to listen to my own wisdom; embrace my new identity AND my divinity. I am stronger and more steadfast because I had and continue to have this community for life. If you are considering taking a retreat with Tiffany, jump at the opportunity. Just being in her presence is healing.

Suset L. (Mother, CEO, Retreat Participant)

It was my first time attending a retreat like this and it was more beneficial than I could have expected. It was a safe space to allow me to feel and begin more fully processing deep pains, and it gave me an opportunity to reflect and feel supported and challenged in meaningful, loving ways by other mothers. While all of us mothers have different, unique stories and backgrounds, we also all shared many common threads that wove us together into a tapestry of sisterhood and support that enveloped the entire experience.

-Katie (Mother, CEO, Retreat Participant)

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit the FAQ section on the AMI website or reach out here and we'll respond within 24-48 hours.

What’s included

  • A beautiful welcome gift
  • Opening circle
  • Comfy bed
    In shared or private room
  • All meals and snacks
    Organic food; mineral water, tea and coffee served all day; wine or other beverages served in the evenings
  • Daily yoga
    Beginner level with optional progressions if desired
  • Outdoor adventures
    Hiking or XC skiing
  • Journaling & meditation
  • Movement practices
  • Strategies & tools
  • Energy healing sessions
  • Closing ceremony

What’s not included

  • Airfare
  • Transportation
    To and from event
  • Gas expenses
  • Additional expenses
    Before, during or after the retreat
  • Tips for staff
    Recommended $10-20 per day

Available Packages

Lodge A, Shared Room | Queen Bed

Queen bed (solo) in a shared room with 1-2 other mamas.

Lodge A | Shared Room | Single Bed

Single bed (bunk) in a shared room with 1-2 other mamas.

Lodge A | Private Room | Queen Bed

Queen bed (solo) in a private room.

Lodge B, Shared Room | Single Bed

Single bed (bunk or regular) in a shared room with 5 other mamas.

Lodge B, Private Room | Queen Bed

Queen bed (solo) in a private room.



Day 1
Welcome Circle, Dinner & Bonfire

Check-in and get settled at Hardscrabble Ranch by 2:30pm. Grab a welcome beverage and enjoy the land before the opening circle begins at 3:30pm. We'll connect, enjoy some appetizers, and make an offering to the land, and eat a delicious dinner before our evening bonfire and intention setting for the weekend. And we'll be sure to let you have a great night's rest!

NOTE: For those who arrive early to Montana, you can visit the hot springs, go for a hike, or come and relax at Hardscrabble Ranch before the retreat begins.

Your Organizer

Mothers Moving Mountains
Tiffany Grimm Fulton, a 20+ year global retreat leader, former athlete, and coach, fuses adventure and self-discovery. She's a yoga instructor, energy healer, and shamanic lineage holder. Her focus is to bridge cultures, honor sacred lands, and ignite personal transformation. Founder of Mothers Moving Mountains, she's also a personal development coach and public speaker. When not globe-trotting, you'll find her in the mountains or dancing in the city with her fiancé, Aaron, and their energetic son, Tre.