The Sacred Circles Retreat is an invitation for Sacred Work at Sacred Sites in Sacred Community
A Transformational and Mystical Journey deep into your Heart within the Heart Chakra of the Planet at the legendary ancient British Isle of Avalon.
Contact us for amazing gifts and discounts for early bird, friend or couple sign ups! We are inviting authentic, sincere seekers into a Sacred Journey that will elevate your path - come join us and see what's possible for you.
"Sacred Circles" - Come and join the Sacred Mountain Mystery School as we travel to England/Glastonbury. A journey into Sacred Circles - Stone Circles, Crop Circles and Soul Circles.
We will use the power of the ancient Stone Circles, as well as the Sacred Geometry and Ascension Codes provided by the Crop Circles, to propel your growth and assist in Planetary Transformation. This is a journey to help you Embody the Truth of Your Heart within the Big Heart - Remembering and living the Universal Truth – That All Is One.
On this retreat you will heal your heart, unveil your Sacred Purpose, embody the templates of Sacred Union. and experience what it is to be held in the One Heart.
As we walk the ancient path of the Mystics, our experienced guides: Monica Devi Bhakti - Conscious Healer, Sensitive Clairvoyant and Soul Guide, and Steve Wilson, Psychologist, Zen Practitioner and Shaman, as well as local guides, will share their knowledge of the myths and mysteries of those that have come before us. This unique sacred journey will be specifically designed for you, creating a truly personalized experience. "Sacred Circles" can serve as a spiritual awakening, an opening, an initiation, or an elevation. It allows you to come back to your Heart and your Essence as you open for deep connections, and reach new heights in your soul growth and expression of your purpose. During the Retreat you will find the deepest truth of your heart and create a foundation and practices for a heart-centered life. As a bonus each participant will receive a one on one session with Monica and Steve, on your request either before, during or after the retreat for integration. The session will support the heart-activations during the retreat, supporting you in coming back again to your Heart, Path and Purpose.
The powerful energies of Stones Circles have drawn humans and sacred worshippers throughout time. Their healing and transformational energies are available to us all now on an even more expanded scale due to increased activity in the Ley Lines and the Planetary Grid. Since their appearances increased in complexity in the 1990s, Crop Circles have been imparting new and ancient Sacred Geometry and coded messages. Shrouded in mystery, these "Sacred Circles" of both stone and grain often appear in the same areas. Why? What they have to tell us can propel our evolution.
Reawaken and Heal your Heart - Awaken Your Passion - Come Home to Yourself
Come experience healing on a deep soul level and fulfill your heart’s longing for love, safety, acceptance and community.
Knowing your own heart, is an art.
Living from your heart, is an act of courage. - Monica Devi Bhakti
Journey with us to the legendary Isle of Avalon and experience the magic, mysteries, and mysticism that have inspired women and men throughout the ages.
Avalon (today called Glastonbury) is known as the Heart Chakra of the Planet. This is the center of the convergence of an incredible number of the Earth’s sacred ley lines (energy lines), including the Mary (Feminine) and Michael (Masculine) lines. These energy lines offer vibrational frequencies for deep healing and empowerment. These lands also carry ancient templates of healing and Sacred Union, from Christ and Mary Magdalene, to Arthur and Guinevere. Mystical Glastonbury has long held the secrets of healing the polarities that divide us. You will experience the opportunity to heal the Sacred Wound within you, and pass through the portal of the Vesica Pisces into the field of Divine Union.
Where we will be staying is in the very center of Avalon, walking distance to the Red and White Springs, The Chalice Well, the Tor, the Abbey, and all the lengendary sites. Rie of Rie's Retreat will take care of us, bringing her bright spirit. incredible laughter, and superb vegetarian cooking to make us all feel right at home. We have done all the booking, and will communicate with our hostess, but feel free to check out her lovely accommodations -