"The Inward Journey"
SHE WAKES is a 6-month (January-June 2025), once a month 90 minutes (set aside 2 hours) online group Zoom immersion. (recorded)
This is a structured and supported study and self-inquiry, practice, and meditation group, inclusive of Q & A time, and an ongoing Whatsapp exchange group.
Teachings are grounded in the eleven years of study and practice with the late meditation Master, Sally Kempton, and rooted in the lineage of Siddha Gurus. Also, the teachings and practices align with the Sister science of Yoga and nondual Tantra --Ayurveda.
At some point in one's spiritual unfoldment Ayurveda wisdom, techniques and practices become key and help immensely with everyday living, along with assisting with moving through healthily and safely the processing and dissolution of contractions, obstructions and limitations in multiple forms.
Each time we come together we'll cover a specific pillar of spiritual life and learn and practice a foundational meditation that you can continue to practice with each month to untangle, explore and restructure your inner world. Also, each month there is a recommended read to go deeper into our focus for that month.
The 6 pillars we'll explore in 2025:
1. Clearing & Creation of Sacred Space -- Saturday, January 11 2. Introduction to Dinacharya (Self-care) -- Saturday, February 8 3. Ayurvedic Constitution, Diet & Day -- Saturday, March 15 4. Energy Leaks & How to Shift Them Part 1-- Saturday, April 12 5. Energy Leaks & How to Shift Them Part 2 -- Saturday, May 17
6. 10 Niymas (observances) & Yamas (guidelines) nondual Tantric Shaivism -- Saturday, June 14
This course of study is offered yearly. The Whatsapp group is ongoing. This offering is open to all people worldwide.
This is for you if:
1. You'd like accountability to start or stay with a regular self-inquiry and meditation practice
2. You are looking to deepen and really commit and develop your personal practice
3. Ready to learn key practices to organize and structure your life to live more grounded & free
4. You'd like guidance and support for meditation
5. You'd like to be part of a supportive, authentic and close-knit community
6. If you would like pointers on how to continue the inward journey
7. If things are coming up in your spiritual unfoldment and you need assistance to navigate what's unfolding
This is the place where we can connect regularly as a group.
Each time we meet online the session will open with a meditation to ground and connect us as a group and to deep and expand your meditation-based and bandwidth.
Investment: $249
-Arrive online 5 minutes before the start of the Zoom session
- Please sit in silence for 5 minutes before joining the Zoom session to relax and center
- Dedicate a new meditation journal to this 6-month time of practice & study
- Come with an open and receptive heart