Does the mental chaos of our current world have your mind in a spin? Is it hard to find space within and feel your connection to a larger global and universal picture?
We invite you to experience some Peace and Quiet… The answers you seek are in Nature. The answers you hold are in Silence. Great masters and teachers have been sharing the benefits of a silent mind for centuries. Our daily struggles and suffering is directly linked to our feelings of separation from the whole. That separation is an illusion of the mind. When the mind is quiet we settle into our heart center where all is connected in ONENESS and we finally enter ADVAITA.
At Raven Crest, our mission is to provide a beautiful, pristine home in Nature for all those who are hungry for reconnection. We will begin our 2018 retreat season with an invitation into your own peace of mind.
Enjoy our 300 acre property, get a silent abhyanga massage, enjoy vegetarian ayurvedic meals, group meditations and dharma talks and most importantly…enjoy your SELF in oneness with the Natural world. Silence is the greatest teacher and heart connector. Where there are no words, the truth awaits you.
Samuel Perry:
Samuel Perry is a clinical herbalist and dedicated student of Buddhism. Having engaged extensively in both the Tibetan Lam Rim and the rigorous training of the Zen tradition, Sam carries a deep understanding and practical experience of meditation. His work as an herbalist and his knowledge of and love for the living world offers a unique vantage point from which to engage these practices. His commitment to the ever-unfolding awakening of all beings is expressed in a playful and fluid style.
Maryn Azoff:
Maryn is a Vocal Transformation Coach, a musician, a member of the 'Tribe of Love' and servant of spirit. Her greatest mission is to help others awaken to their true selves. Meditation has been a part of her life for 15 years and she has studied the works of many masters throughout her life. It wasn't until her first silent retreat that she understood the mind separate from the SELF. This life changing discovery has transformed her and, in her gratitude, she is thrilled to bring others to this understanding. All the wisdom of the universe is alive within your being. Silence is the only way to hear it.