Soma Yoga 200 hrs Teacher Training

Xico, Ver., México

1 review
Duration: 23 days
Group size: 4 - 8
Soma Yoga 200 hrs Teacher Training
Xico, Ver., México

1 review

Duration: 23 days
Group size: 4 - 8

About this trip

Soma Yoga Educator provides a solid foundation for teaching yoga from a somatic and mobility education perspective to educate about human movement and deepen one’s personal practice. Yoga teachers are educated in a combination of living anatomy, physiology, somatic education, and movement science with traditional yoga practice. 

Soma Yoga is not just another style of yoga, it is a way of relating to the body that brings more awareness of the symbiotic relationships that we maintain inside and outside of ourselves. We offer the tools and resources that will help you have a solid foundation to teach in a way that makes sense to you as a yoga and movement educator and to your students, we have detoured from an education that imposes postures, sequences on bodies, and move towards an approach that provides creative thinking, inquiry, curiosity, exploration in a well-guided and safe class. You will experience and learn tools to facilitate Hatha Yoga and Flow classes, depending on what you feel like sharing.

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Available Packages

Early Bird
Available until 60 days before departure
Regular Price
Available until 7 days before departure

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1 review
Educational Center for Sustainable and Resilient Communities, offering Soma Yoga 200 hr Trainings Trauma informed yoga, Somatic Education, Permaculture, 100 hr EcoSomatic Trainings and Kambo Retreats.


There is no better place to receive kambo than at KiekariTerra! It is a gift, blessing and privilege to have access to this powerful medicine. Maria and Nadia expertly weave together an experience that is wholesome for mind body and spirit. I left feeling 10x better than when I arrived. It was truly profound to receive the medicine over three ceremonies and the integration activities were powerful. I highly recommend this experience for anyone seeking any type of healing in their life!
By Chelsea J for Sacred Healing Kambo Retreat on Dec 13, 2023