
  • Email address verified
84 reviews
Jan 9 - 16, 2024
Group size: 1 - 100

  • Email address verified
84 reviews

Jan 9 - 16, 2024
Group size: 1 - 100

About this trip

 The Complete T.S Method is an 8 day online training program open to all levels taking place live via zoom and with an option to rewatch or take the classes at one's own convenience via the recordings which will be available for one month post completion of the course.

In this training, students will learn in depth Talia Sutra's methods for Flexibility, Back-bending and Inversions. These methods have helped transform thousands of people's practice and overall perception as they access the āsana from an in internal space of intelligence, compassion and grace. 

In this training, students will unlearn illogical and unhelpful physical cues surprisingly common in āsana instruction. Students will learn to build the āsanas from the inside out and enter a state of moving meditation. Doubts and fears will be brought to the surface and eliminated through logic, experiential understanding and compassion. 

Further, students will gain practical understanding of:

 1. The goal and meaning of practice.

2. Repetition and Non-attachment in Yogic Philosophy

3. Devotion and Discipline 

4. Fear and mental impressions 

5. Bandhas- energy locks.

6. Three Bodies- Gross, Subtle and Causal. 

7. Gunas

8. Obstacles to progress in practice and Solutions 

9. Unveiling emotional intelligence 

10. Physical anatomy 

And more..

This training is suitable for ALL levels. Talia Sutra specializes in teaching and scaling to all people. If you have a desire to learn and grow- we would love to see you there! 

Cancelation Policy

All bookings are final. There are no refunds available for any reason. 

Please book mindfully. 

What’s included

  • 30 hrs Yoga Alliance
    Continuing ED for those who have a 200hr
  • Anatomy Module
    Students will have 3 hours of anatomy studies with Rose Erin Vaughan
  • Classes will be saved
    Students will be able to access classes up to A MONTH after their initial live recording. This way, you can practice at a time that feels suitable to you!
  • Course Manual
    Digital course manual written and created by Talia Sutra

Available Packages

Trip Price


Daily Times

Tues Jan 9 - TALIA:  10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time 

Weds Jan 10- TALIA : 10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time 

Thurs Jan 11 - TALIA: 10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time 

Fri Jan 12- DR ROSE ERIN :  12 - 3pm New York Time 

Sat Jan 13-  TALIA: 10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time 

Sun Jan 14 - TALIA: 10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time 

Mon Jan 15-TALIA: 10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time 

Tues Jan 16- TALIA: 10am - 1pm Lisbon Portugal Time  

Your Organizer

84 reviews
Love And All Is Coming is a yoga school founded by Talia Sutra offering yoga education. The school is built upon the eternal teachings of Sanātana Dharma with ahiṃsā (non-harm) acting as a definitive and guiding corner stone. LAAIC offers teachings from their source in a simple, rational and useful manner and with an emphasis on inner stillness. The school follows the non-dual philosophy of Advaita Vedānta: a recognition of the One in all.


The wisdom that Talia holds and shares in a loving and clear way is invaluable. The course is well structured and offers a deep insight to what Sadhana is. Even after having practised the classic 26 sequence before through Talia's classes, I gained a deeper knowledge of the purpose of the postures and was able to deepen the asanas immediately. After having let the teachings of the course sink in for a few weeks, I can tell that I have noticed a positive transformation both in my sadhana and my daily life. I have new curiosity towards my practice and that has kept me going, waking up motivated every morning, and without attaching myself to the results. I'm truly grateful for the course and looking already forward to the next training! Thank you<3
By Jenni T for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 30, 2024
I want to share my experience with this course. I can't really express how much it meant to me, but I'll give it a shot. Let's start with Talia as a teacher. It felt like every word Talia spoke was meant specifically for me, with personalized comments about what I'm going through in life. It's amazing that the course came at the perfect time for me to hear all these messages. Not a single word she said was unnecessary, and everything served a purpose. She is incredibly focused and connected to the Source, providing participants with exactly what they need. She's focused, sharp, funny when necessary, and loving. A true presence. The course itself was delivered excellently. We started with the Yamas, then moved on to the Niyamas and the Classic 26, all of which were brilliant. Every participant, whether attending online or watching the recordings at their own pace, had the opportunity to ask questions and communicate with Talia and the rest of the group. The atmosphere was very respectful, and I appreciated how diverse it was. Although I hadn't practiced the Classic 26 before, not with Talia or anyone else, it was a beautiful experience to practice it with Talia. I experienced so much inner growth. I am truly amazed and grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this training. It was truly eye-opening and even life-changing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
By Karolina T for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 21, 2024
All Talia’s trainings are always very special; independently of where are you in your Yoga Life or practice. Talia’s guidance is assertive and accurate and done with lot of dedication and LOVE. Everything that I learned from her was a life changing in my practice. And specifically this training shows us in so brief time how real Sadhana could change our lives. I am so grateful for the opportunity. I recommend it from the bottom of my heart to everyone.
By Maja K for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 17, 2024
The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 with LOVE AND ALL IS COMING online training was all that I could have hoped for and more. Even online Talia's guidance and knowledge transfer as well as the care and sincerity that goes into her teachings are felt through and through. A training with Talia is always worth it in my opinion and the positive effects may be felt long after and if nurtured kept and continue to evolve for life.
By Stella S for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 17, 2024
The course for me was a dive into a new world, a world of dedication and respect. All the wisdom coming from Talia made me a little bit wiser. But at the same time of certainty, the ability and space to have a different opinion was always there! One thing for sure, I found the one who can make me cry on my mat: the tears of self empowerment. Thank you 🙏
By Yota P for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 14, 2024
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