Sold Out: Trauma-Informed Masterclass with Devon Christie

Online & Virtual

Atira Tan
  • Email address verified
29 reviews
Feb 29, 2024
Group size: 1 - 203
Sold Out: Trauma-Informed Masterclass with Devon Christie
Online & Virtual

Atira Tan
  • Email address verified
29 reviews

Feb 29, 2024
Group size: 1 - 203

About this trip

Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Masterclass: 90-minute Masterclass with Atira Tan and Dr. Devon Christie: Working with MDMA

DATE: 29th February 2024 (USA) | 1st March 2024 (Asia & Australia)

TIME: 29th Feb 7 pm PST | 10 pm EST (USA)

           1st March 10 am ICT | 2 pm AEST (Asia and Australia)

COST:  $35 USD Early Bird Until Feb. 10th | $50 USD Full Price

Our live online Trauma-Informed 90 minutes Masterclass: Working with MDMA with Atira Tan and Dr. Devon Christie will delve into the evolving landscape of MDMA-assisted therapy, exploring its potential benefits, ethical considerations and contraindications within the context of trauma recovery and working with trauma imprints.

You’ll learn important trauma-informed tips and tools to work with MDMA assisted therapy through the lens of inner-directed therapy and co-therapy with a discussion of Dr. Christie's research into applying MDMA-assisted therapy to support PTSD and chronic pain recovery.

This masterclass will be an engaging session that combines theoretical knowledge with practical insights, case studies and unique research - providing a holistic understanding of the potential application of MDMA to innovative therapeutic approaches.

Applying MDMA-assisted therapy to therapeutic models differs from traditional therapeutic applications by further lowering psychological defences and potentially interrupting detrimental cognitive patterns and routines, allowing individuals to revisit traumatic memories with reduced fear and anxiety.

This heightened emotional openness can facilitate the processing of traumatic experiences and promote a sense of connection between the therapist and the client. It can also enhance the therapeutic alliance, leading to more profound insights and emotional breakthroughs.

Participants will receive practical insights into working with MDMA as well as being offered an opportunity to join in at the end of the discussion for a 30 mins Q & A session.

Our 90-minute masterclass will include an hour of lecture and discussion and 30 minutes of Q&A with participants. 

Your purchase will include:

1. Live Online Zoom Session

2. A 90-minute video recording

2. A 90-minute audio recording

3. PDF Slides and Professional Worksheets



Individuals undergoing MDMA-assisted therapy may be addressing deep-seated trauma.  The heightened emotional and psychological state induced by MDMA can make participants more vulnerable and sensitive during the therapy  session. A trauma-informed approach ensures that the therapeutic environment respects and responds to these vulnerabilities.

MDMA is known for its ability to reduce fear and anxiety while increasing emotional openness. Participants may express intense emotions, including those related to their traumatic  experiences. A trauma-informed framework helps therapists navigate and support these expressions with sensitivity and empathy.

Trauma survivors often struggle with  issues of safety and trust. Creating a safe and trustworthy therapeutic  environment is crucial for the success of MDMA-assisted therapy. A  trauma-informed approach prioritises the establishment of safety, both  physically and emotionally, fostering trust between the participant and the therapeutic team.

Uninformed or insensitive therapeutic approaches can inadvertently trigger traumatic responses, leading to re-traumatisation. A trauma-informed approach aims to minimise the risk of re-traumatisation by carefully considering the unique needs and triggers of each individual.

Trauma-informed MDMA-assisted therapeutic care recognises that trauma is not just a specific event but can be a  pervasive influence on a person’s life. It takes into account the  broader context of trauma, including systemic, interpersonal, and  historical factors. This holistic understanding is crucial for tailoring  therapeutic interventions effectively.

In addition, trauma-informed care  empowers individuals to be active participants in their healing process.  In the context of MDMA-assisted therapy, this means involving participants in decisions about their treatment and fostering  collaboration between the therapeutic team and the individual.

Our Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Masterclass will provide bite-sized tools and resources for facilitators to cultivate their trauma sensitivity and awareness. 

* The recording and PDF slides will be available within 24 - 48 hours on our learning platform. 

** Inquiries contact us at

Your facilitators

Dr. Devon Christie, a Clinical Instructor at UBC Department of Medicine,  is a dedicated family doctor with a focus in chronic pain and mental health.

In her clinical work at the Canadian Pain and Regenerative Institute,  Numinus, and online psychotherapy practice in Vancouver, BC, she brings a holistic approach to her patients and clients.

As a former clinical investigator and study therapist in MDMA-assisted therapy research for PTSD with MAPS, Devon is at the forefront of psychedelic therapy advancements.

Her extensive certifications in Functional Medicine, Mindfulness  Based Stress Reduction, Relational Somatic Therapy, Level 1 Internal Family Systems, MAPS MDMA-Assisted Therapy, and ketamine-assisted therapy underscore her commitment to comprehensive healing.

Formerly the Numinus Senior Lead of Psychedelic Programs, Devon  played a key role in developing and implementing psychedelic-assisted clinical and therapist training programs. Currently, she imparts her  wisdom to therapists in renowned training programs such as CIIS, IPI,  ATMA, VITAL, and EmbodyLab, prioritizing ethical practice, mindfulness,  and trauma-specific skills.

Devon’s passion lies in reshaping the healthcare paradigm by  integrating trauma-informed, bio-psycho-social approaches. She envisions  the careful introduction of psychedelic-assisted therapies as a transformative step towards a holistic healthcare model, echoing the  principles traditional systems of healing have long embraced.

In her recently self-published e-book “Integrative Somatic Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy”, she outlines important elements of this paradigm shift. 

Learn more about Atira:

Atira Tan, a TEDx speaker, activist, somatic trauma specialist, #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author, and trauma-informed educator, is a powerful agent of transformation and change. She has touched the lives of thousands of women, men, and children around the world, supporting them through her 19 years of experience in various somatic and creative trauma recovery approaches. 


Passionate about creating safer spaces for everybody, and bringing healing and awareness to the “shadowy” areas of life, Atira has worked as a trauma-informed integration specialist in retreat centers such as the Temple of the Way of Light and is currently the head of integration at AYA Healing Retreats. 

Atira has mapped the trauma recovery of hundreds of PM participants in her private practice as an integration trauma specialist and co-facilitates trauma-informed and Somatic Experiencing Plant Medicine retreats and dietas in Peru with AYA Healing Retreats. 

For more information, please visit 


"Wow!! Thank you so much, Atira!!!!! I just want to say thank you for holding space for such an incredible informational experience in this Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Workshop. I feel that I have SO many resources now to draw upon now. 

You are filled with experience and hold such beauty. vibrant energy that is powerful, but also open and level with the people you work with in such a way that it is easy to feel safe, and seen in your presence! True magic!"

– Molly Moon, Grandmother Facilitator, Isreal.

"This TIPM workshop’s deep dive into the realms of living impeccable service was nothing short of life-changing.

I remembered so much about the nervous system, my life, my purpose, the bridges between paradigms, and the collective trauma on the Earth. I was deeply warmed, inspired, challenged, and excited by the entire experience.

Atira transmits genuine, care, curiosity, understanding, and expertise. She is devoted to providing safe spaces for people to heal and her life’s work is a testimony to her wisdom and character.

If you’re curious to learn about the nature of trauma and how to access and support its healing potential, this body of work is well worth opening your heart and mind to."

– Melanie Gunn, Naturopath and Transpersonal Art Therapist, Australia

"I’m super grateful for this unique program. Atira’s extensive knowledge on the subject of trauma and working within the PM context has been immensely beneficial. I’ve gained a deeper sense of how to hold the container of healing, which in turn, opens doors for journeyers to be met with more compassion, understanding, and safety to move through their process.

This program is essential for anyone supporting or facilitating PM ceremonies and the process of preparation and integration."

– Simone McKay, Somah Journeys Founder, Canada

"I just came out of the 1st Trauma-informed Plant Medicine Facilitation online training with Atira Tan from Aya Healing Retreats and wow!!

I cannot recommend this training enough for anyone working in the PM space – whether you are pouring medicine, a supporter/facilitator, a pre or post-ceremonial integration specialist, or even a student of the plants.

In fact, I feel that this should be a basic foundational training (alongside 1st Aid) for all healers and support staff.

As the medicine continues to gain momentum in its spread across the globe- we are beginning to see and hear more and more stories of harm from its unskilful use, the lack of quality screening and preparation beforehand, the lack of integration support afterward, and/or the limited understanding of trauma activation and re-traumatization during retreats and ceremonies.

I feel that, in addition to traditional training, this community would benefit hugely from having facilitators and spaces rooted in a basic understanding of the nervous system and how to work skillfully with trauma survivors (and of course, how to work with our own trauma when it shows up in these spaces).

I personally feel that Atira is an excellent bridge and guide into the intersectional realms of plant medicine and trauma therapy."

– Skye Cielita Flor, Wilderness Therapist, South Africa

"My mind and heart are in deep amazement and gratitude as I apply all that I learned in the Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine workshop. 

Now more than ever, the world is in need of people who have the ability to listen and hold open space, as the entire human population is currently undergoing a traumatic event. This course is filled with gems on how to meet and support those who are intensely impacted by trauma at any stage of life. I highly recommend this course/workshop, not only to those who are interested in the relationship between trauma and plant medicine but to anyone who is curious about understanding human relational patterns to self and society.

Atira shares in-depth knowledge and expertise in trauma studies while offering takeaways that are applicable for ceremonies, friendships, and even common conversations during the COVID time. Atira and Elio’s work is much needed in the world."

– Betty Gottwald, Photographer & Kambo Facilitator, USA.

"If you are ready to engage in serious trauma healing work, Atira is the practitioner to go for. Her own genuine humanness is consistently lived and embodied, and her outstandingly compassionate nature creates a strong and safe therapeutic container that cannot be surpassed. 

After a search for decades for the right trauma therapist, all thumbs up for her, as the healing and transformation, I’ve been looking for has finally become real!"

– Jessica Bertram, Eco-Tour Guide, Germany.

"Learning from Atira is a reconnecting journey of the mind, heart, and soul. Her caring empathy, sensitivity, and guiding leadership are only shadowed by her multi-faceted and deep knowledge of the matter of trauma. 

With her guidance as an experienced teacher, I felt truly grateful for discovering and learning about new perspectives which will make me not only a better teacher in the future, but a more understanding and loving human being towards anyone I encounter. And all of that in a welcoming community of like-minded, caring individuals. I wholeheartedly recommend Atira to anyone who desires to learn more about understanding and healing trauma, and the human experience as a whole."

- Kai York, Photographer, Art Director, New York

"Atira’s course is a valuable in-depth introduction to trauma and the various ways it can manifest in a ceremonial setting. 

Since taking the course, I’ve changed the lens through which I review applications and screen potential journeyers. The course has taught me how to use trauma-informed language to empower people to make their own decisions. 

Atira creates a beautiful, safe container for her students to dive into sensitive topics. I appreciate her making herself available for questions during the class and through additional one-on-one sessions and small group calls. 

I highly recommend this program to anyone who would like to facilitate plant medicine sessions."

—Leti Passemier, co-founder of Global Alliance of Psilocybin Practitioners, France

What’s included

  • Live Online Session
    You will join Atira & Dr. Christie for a 90 mins. Live Online Zoom Session with Q&A follow-up
  • Free Recording
    The workshop will be recorded and available for download 48 hours after the workshop is completed.
  • PDF Slides
    You will be able to download our slides for the session and will be available within 48 hours of the session.

Available Packages

Full Price

1. Access to our 90 mins Live Zoom Session.

2. 1 year access to the video and audio recording.

3. PDF slides for Masterclass.


Your Organizer

Atira Tan
29 reviews
Atira (MA Art Therapy, SEP, E-RYT 500) has been teaching somatic trauma education for over a decade. She is the founder and CEO of Art to Healing, an Australian charity assisting sex-trafficked women and children globally. Over 19 years, Atira has delivered numerous yoga, mindfulness, art therapy, Somatic Experiencing, women’s health, and trauma-informed programs internationally. Atira is a TEDx speaker, yoga teacher, trauma specialist, #1 Best Selling author, art therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner & group facilitator.


What a blessing to be a part of this wonderful plant medicine, trauma informed community. I want to thank Atira and all the team for your energy and all the embodied wisdom you transmit. It was a deep dive into safeguarding this sacred work. With much love Alla
By Alla A for Trauma-Informed Facilitator Program 2024 on Aug 02, 2024
Thank you so much to atira and all of the supportive administration and guest speakers. Wonderful program with valuable information! The authenticity and pure intentions were established on day one and carried out throughout the whole program. 10 out of 10! 💜
By Adrianna O for Trauma-Informed Facilitator Program 2024 on Jul 30, 2024
Atira is an amazing educator. Somatic Plant Medicine Integration was such an amazing program to help me personally on my sacred healing journey. Atira creates safe, compassionate and accessible learning environment for everyone no matter their plant medicine experience, education, or professional background which was wonderful to experience. Atira models trauma informed facilitation beautifully which is why deep healing can happen in this container of safety. I’m so grateful to have this experience, the community connection and now share this wisdom and hold space in my circle to support others on their plant medicine integration journey. I now understand how being a trauma informed and somatic integration was what finally helped me on my healing journey. 💗 Maria Koehn - Vancouver 🇨🇦
By Maria K for SOLD OUT: Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner Program on Nov 14, 2023
The masterclass was very informative and I’ve learned practical tools that can be used when needed.
By Roxana G for Trauma-Informed Masterclass: Safeguarding Psychedelic Sessions on Nov 12, 2023
Loved the training, so grateful for the growth, depth, and expansion.
By Summer M for SOLD OUT: Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner Program 2023 on Nov 06, 2023
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