Waltz Week in Vienna 2025

Vienna, Austria

8 reviews
Feb 16 - 23, 2025
Group size: 16 - 40
Waltz Week in Vienna 2025
Vienna, Austria

8 reviews

Feb 16 - 23, 2025
Group size: 16 - 40

About this trip

Come celebrate all things WALTZ and More!

Waltz Week in Vienna

Feb 16-23, 2025

 ...in beautiful Vienna, Austria 

8 days, 2 balls, 1 incredible trip!

Waltz Week in Vienna is the ultimate in elegant dance adventures -- a truly incredible travel, play, & workshop experience! 

The week is specifically designed for dancers who not only want to experience the elegance, beauty, and grandeur of waltz season in Vienna, but who would also love to do so in the company of a fun group of like-minded fellow travel-adventurers!

During Waltz Week, we use Vienna as our veritable playground -- exploring the city's beauty, enjoying unique dining opportunities, attending dance classes together, taking part in exchanges with other local dance schools, attending balls, and much more! 

On Friday we culminate the week with an elegant grand ball at the beautiful Hofburg Imperial Palace, the crown jewel of Vienna's magnificent edifices where waltz balls have been a celebrated tradition since the days of Mozart and Strauss!  On Saturday, we do it all again at the Rathaus!

SPECIAL for 2025: Waltz Week runs from Sun-Sun, Feb 16-23, 2025.  If you have an opportunity to extend your stay in Europe for a few days, consider shifting into "swing" mode and joining Ari & Christine in Munich from Feb 27-Mar 2 for "Rock That Swing", Europe's largest swing dance festival -- Not to be missed!  (Please Note: Registration for Rock That Swing has not opened yet, but we will let you know when it does) 




As a group, plan to get tickets for the "Wiener Kaffeesiederball" ("The Coffee Makers Ball") taking place at the Hofburg Palace on Friday, Feb 21st and the "Berufsfeuerwehr Ball" (The "Firemen's" Ball) taking place at the Rathaus on Saturday, Feb 22nd.   These will be a delightful finish to our week of workshops and play (See details below).  PLEASE NOTE: These Balls sell out quickly, so we need to get your payment in before Oct 30th to guarantee you a spot.  We will arrange the tickets for you as part of Waltz Week.


There may be more balls announced as the time draws near -- We will update this site as we learn more.  Keep checking back if you are interested in exploring these options.  


In order for us to buy tickets for you to the Waltz Week Balls, your tickets must be ordered through our website by October 30th.  This will ensure enough time for our Vienna team to purchase and collect them as needed.  Tickets ordered after October 30th cannot be guaranteed.  We will do our best to get them for you, but these balls can sell out quickly once the box office opens.  You will be refunded in full for any tickets which you paid for but could not be obtained.  Tickets for the Wiener Kaffeesiederball and the Berufsfeurwehr Ball can be purchased during checkout.  



  • Everyone attending will need to purchase the baseline "Waltz Week Dancer's Package" --OR --  if you are coming with someone who would like to join us for all of the social activities, but who does not dance, we also have a "Non-Dancer's package"
  • We highly recommend you also purchase Ball tickets for both the Friday and Saturday Balls (we are still waiting to find out the pricing for the Saturday Ball and will update the site once we have that)
  • All pricing is in US Dollars

A)  "WALTZ WEEK" BASELINE PRICING (Early Bird Special, Good Through Sept 15): 

     DANCER'S PACKAGE:  $785

  • INCLUDES: all classes and workshops (14 hours), Sunday night group dinner at a local traditional restaurant, Tuesday's special "volksabend" and pizza-feed (a traditional Austrian waltz folk dance night),  Wednesday Boogie Baren Swing Night, walking tour of Vienna, evening group activities during the week, fun group socials and adventures yet to be named..... 
  • DOES NOT INCLUDE: housing, transportation, travelers insurance, ball tickets, regular meals, outside practices or dances  


  • INCLUDES: Sunday night group dinner at a local traditional restaurant, Tuesday's special "volksabend" and pizza-feed (a traditional Austrian waltz folk dance night),  walking tour of Vienna, evening group activities during the week, fun group socials and adventures yet to be named..... 
  • DOES NOT INCLUDE: dance classes, ball tickets, Boogie Barn Swing Night, housing, transportation, travelers insurance, regular meals, outside practices or dances.  

B)  "VIENNESE BALL" TICKET (See "Ball" section for details)   

          1)  Friday, Feb 21st: Wiener Kaffeesiederball (in the Hofburg Palace):    $215

         2)  Saturday, Feb 22nd: The Berufsfeuerwehr Ball (in the Rathaus):        $85 


All Ball tickets must be ordered through our website by November 1, 2024 to ensure enough time for our Vienna team to purchase and collect them.  Tickets for any of the other balls outside of those offered for Waltz Week must be arranged on your own.

  • Tickets ordered after November 2nd cannot be guaranteed.  We will still do our best to get them for you, but these balls can sell out quickly once the box office opens.  You will be refunded in full for any tickets you paid for but could not be obtained.  
  • Tickets for the Balls you purchased will be given to you on the first day of Waltz Week.
  • All prices are in US Dollars.  If using Euros, currency conversion will automatically take place using this website.  


Partnering for the Viennese Ball:

     Please note: you do NOT need a partner to attend Waltz Week in Vienna.  This is one of the main reasons we established this fabulous event -- so that solo dancers and couples coming to Vienna will have partners to dance with!  Rest assured that we will be rotating partners throughout all of our classes and during our evening dance excursions, so again, no worries if you do not come with a partner.  

     That being said, however, outside of our official Waltz Week group activities, if you were planning to come on your own and attend a Viennese Ball in Europe as a single person (or as a single couple), you should be aware of a few etiquette points.

       First, at these kinds of events, guests will typically dance only with the partner they came with.  That is to say, unlike some of the social dance parties you might have attended in the United States, at a formal European ball, the etiquette of partner exchange is generally not done.  For this reason, we highly recommend coming to these balls with a partner in hand. (Again, if you are participating in Waltz Week, this won't be a problem since we will be sharing partners throughout the evening).  

       If you have signed up for Waltz Week but would like to attend one of the other balls not listed on our group events calendar (i.e., any of the optional pre-Waltz Week balls), we highly recommend that you post your intentions on our "Waltz Week in Vienna" Facebook page and see if you can coordinate to meet up with other Waltz Week participants there. 

Hired Dance-Partnering Services (Taxi-Dancers):

Another option for single attendees to the non-Waltz Week balls is that some of the balls may help you arrange for a local taxi dancer to attend as your dance partner.  Just be aware that this can be expensive.  Hiring a dance escort means that you are responsible for all of their costs, including ball ticket, tuxedo rental (if needed), transportation, meals/drinks, hiring stipend/fee, etc.  That being said, ball escorts are typically charming people, lovely dancers, and enjoy being there as much as you do.  If anything else, it's a wonderful way to meet a fellow dancer and get to learn more of their local culture and history first hand.  Please contact the local ball committee (click on their web page link) to see if this option is available for that particular ball, or continue reading below....



  • Vienna is magical in the winter, but it can also be pretty cold. There may be some sunshine, but chances are high for icy winds, rain or even snow.
  • Average temperatures for February: 2°C (36°F). So be prepared to take warm winter clothes with you, especially if you plan to have an extended walk around the city, and don't forget to bring comfortable and warm walking shoes.


  • Comfortable and practical clothing. You may want to bring a small towel. Deodorant is always appreciated! You may also want to bring a small water bottle and/or light snacks as needed.
  • The right shoes are important: We suggest choosing standard dancing shoes or shoes with leather soles for the waltz classes. Ladies - think about wearing comfortable shoes that are nice to your feet. Please avoid rubber soles and staining black soles during classes.  Please also plan to bring your dance shoes separate from your street shoes (This will help avoid tracking dirt or mud onto the dance floor).  If it's wet out, think about bringing an extra pair of socks to change into in case yours get wet.


We suggest avoiding jeans and too informal clothing for practices.


Each ball posts it's own dress code.  If you are attending one of the TWO "Waltz Week" balls, please refer to the dress code for that ball on our balls page.  In general, however, we would suggest the following:

  • Ladies:  We suggest wearing a long evening dress. While certain balls may specifically request  'floor-length', most of the dresses you'll see at the balls will fall below the knees. We also suggest wearing nylons or stockings, as you may not wish to have bare feet under a long evening dress. While the shoes should fit the gown, think about favoring medium-heel shoes that give you a comfortable feeling and are well broken in, as you will be wearing them for several hours while dancing and moving around. 
  •  Gentlemen:  If you have a tailcoat and are eager to wear it on a special event - voilà. If you don't - black dinner jacket/tuxedo or tuxedo with bow tie are fine too. Black patent-leather shoes are never wrong. 

Dance Shoes vs. Street Shoes:  

If you are concerned about dancing in your street shoes, please feel free to bring a separate pair of dance shoes for your dancing comfort and pleasure.  Of course, it's best if they also match your outfit.   

Rentals, Purchases, Accessories*:

Vienna has numerous shops for tuxedo or gown purchases or rentals, or for buying shoes, gloves, scarves, hats, ties, or other such accessories.  If you are planning on going shopping, the shopping is wonderful, but please remember to allow yourself plenty of time for any needed tailoring.  Many hotels also offer in-house tailoring, cleaning, polishing or ironing services if needed. 

           *Personal Note:  You should be warned that formal attire rentals or purchases can be quite expensive in Vienna.  You will definitely be better served by purchasing new or second hand accouterments in your home town and bringing them with you.  That way you can spend the bulk of your time in Vienna touring, socializing and dancing (not shopping!)


How many dance classes will there be?  

When Waltz Week was originally conceived, we began as a traditional dance camp with five full days of morning & afternoon classes, a half day tour of the city, a variety of evening activities, and the Waltz Ball on the last weekend.  Since then, the concept has evolved significantly, due mostly to the feedback of those early participants.  Because most of our attendees are veteran dancers, it turns out that what they really want to do is to see more of Vienna, socialize and dance more with the other participants, mingle with locals, and not spend their whole time abroad in a dance studio learning moves.

To this end, we have condensed our class schedule down to two or three half days where we will focus mainly on the kinds of dances you will see at the balls (including the French "quadrille" - a very traditional set ball dance usually performed at midnight).  

Our schedule this year will be much less formalized than in the past, with many more opportunities for spontaneity, for exploring and sight seeing, and for planning together as a group.  This will be further explained on the first day of camp, at which time we will present all of our options for activities that week and the schedule for dance classes in the studio  

What dance styles will be taught during the classes?  

The dance styles taught will be selected from among those that are typically played at the Balls.  These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Viennese Waltz
  • Slow Waltz
  • Polka
  • Quadrille  (See an example of the quadrille on the VIDEO page)
  • Swing
  • Foxtrot
  • Latin (mambo, cha cha)
  • Ballroom
  • Connection technique and styling 

We will try to balance the classes between the various styles, combining the best of traditional Viennese ball forms with the latest American social dance styles that will leave you well-prepared for any ballroom dance to come. 

Where are the classes held?

  • All classes will be held at the Some Like it Hot Ballroom, Sechshauserstraße 9, A-1150 Vienna (Formerly, called the "Demel" dance school). It is just off the U6 line, so if you are looking for housing, getting something near the U6 will eliminate your need to change trains to get to the studio.  More information about this location and how to get there can be found on our "Getting There" page

How large do you expect classes to be?

  • The number of participants for the Waltz Week workshops will be limited, allowing us to keep the classes more intimate and the instruction personalized. Every effort will be made to maintain equal lead/follow balance.

At what level will classes be taught?

  • Waltz week dance classes are not for the absolute beginning dancer.  Participants will be expected to know some basic dance steps and partnering skills (ie, be comfortable with beginning level waltz or social dance).  
  • If this isn't you yet, not to worry! -- you have plenty of time between now and February to sign up at a dance school near you and complete a beginning level waltz or social dance class!
  • If you have any questions about your level of dance, please let us know. 

What language will classes be taught in?

  • All classes will be taught in English.  Translation is available for German or Spanish speakers.

Will there be opportunities for private lessons?

  • Private lessons can be arranged with individual instructors during the week.

Should I come with a partner or can I come alone?

  • While we highly encourage you to come with a partner, it is not required to participate. That being said, there are MANY more advantages to attending Waltz Week with a partner (especially if you are planning to dance at any of the pre-Waltz Week, or "alternate" Waltz-Week Balls) and these are discussed further at the bottom of the "Balls" page. 
  • In order to keep balanced lead and follow numbers, and due to the fact that we typically have more follows registering early-on, any single leads and lead-follow pairs will be able to get in right away. Any single follows will be automatically put on the waiting list until we can match you with a lead.  We HIGHLY encourage single follows to recruit a lead with whom you can register! 
  • For anyone coming without a partner who would like to find a partner, we highly encourage you to connect with fellow interested single party's and participants on our FACEBOOK PAGE "Waltz Week in Vienna" (click on the link to post there, to arrange meet-ups, or to coordinate partnering for the Balls) 

Will there be opportunities for social dancing during the week?

  • Yes.  There are dance practices available at local dance schools several times during the week (separate admissions apply).  There will also be opportunities for social swing and salsa dancing at local dance clubs.  More information about these will be available during the first day of workshop orientation.


Getting To Vienna, Booking Flights & Hotels:

You can get great discount prices for travel, hotels, and local cultural events using online search engines, particularly if you book your flight and hotel together.  You can shop and compare at:  

If you're traveling locally to/from another city in Europe, check out the great prices on the Flixbus Bus Line, which arrives/departs from the Wien Central Bus Terminal, located just outside the "U4 Erdberg" U-Bahn Station in Vienna

**No COVID Requirements are needed for travel to Austria:

  • As of June 2022, entry to Austria is permitted for all travel purposes.  It is no longer necessary to present proof of vaccination, proof of recovery, or a negative test result for entry.

Getting To 'Waltz Week' Classes in Vienna:

  • The "Some Like It Hot Ballroom" -- located at Sechshauserstraße 9, A-1150 Wien -- will be our main meeting area for classes and workshops. It is situated just outside the old city, near the Schonbrunn Palace, with easy access to the subway.  
    • The nearest SUBWAY STOP is the U6 "Gumpendorferstraße" station (about three city blocks, or a five minute walk from the studio).  
    • The nearest BUS STOP is the 57A "Fuenfhausgasse" (just in front of the studio)

Getting To/From The Airport, & Around Vienna:

A)   Airport transportation:  More information is available at the Vienna Airport Site

- by Train (City Railway):
  • Current schedule shows trains leaving every 30 mins, starting from 4:54 am to 0:18 am;
  • Current price: One-way ticket € 3.60 Euro
  • Journey time: 24 mins (downtown - Wien Mitte) 
- by Bus:
  • Current schedule shows buses leaving every 30 mins, starting from 6:20 am to 0:50 am;
  • Current price: One−way ticket € 6.00 Euro, return ticket 11.00 Euro
  • Journey time: 20 mins (downtown - Schwedenplatz)
- by Express Train (City Airport Train - CAT)
  • Current schedule shows CATs leaving every 30 mins, from 6:05 am to 11:35 am;
  • Current price: One−way ticket € 10.00 Euro
  • Journey time: 16 mins (downtown - Wien Mitte)
- by Taxi/Cab
  • Various taxi cabs are available.  For a trip into town from the airport, you may want pre-order a taxi on www.totaltaxi.at, (usual cost is around EUR € 30).  Non "pre-ordered" taxies hired directly at the airport are typically much more expensive to take.  This is because the drivers are not allowed to pick up passengers in Vienna for their return trip back to the airport (the airport is technically in the province of Lower Austria) and they therefore charge their return trip to you, the airport customer.  You can learn more about airport taxi and other transportation information at:  http://in.formation.at/vas2015/?page_id=18
  • Average pre-ordered taxi price: starts at around Euro € 30,- one-way;  Group taxis are available upon request
  • Journey time: average 20-35 mins (downtown - depending on the target location and the traffic)

B)   City transportation: There are various options for tickets on the Vienna Public Transport System depending on whether you want a single-use ticket or a multiple-use ticket which can be used over several days. REMEMBER - Tickets must be validated before boarding trains.  CLICK HERE for ticket  options and pricing.  

-Single-trip ticket:
  • € 2.40 per person (ticket-office/machine pre-sale)
  • € 2.60 per person (if bought in buses or trams)
-One Week ticket  (recommended option): 
  • € 16.00 per person, valid for one person from Monday 12 am - Monday 9 am the following week (ticket-office/machine pre-sale only).  The ticket is transferable, so whoever is holding it can use it.  It's called the "Easy City Pass" ticket  CLICK HERE for details
-Eight Day Climate ticket:
  • € 28.80 (ticket-office/machine pre-sale only), valid for any eight days, not necessarily eight consecutive days. It is a rover ticket, which means you can travel all around Vienna.  You can also use the ticket for several people traveling together. Simply punch one strip for each person in the group.
-Other options: 
  • 24-hour ticket, 72-hour ticket are also available.  They are also called "Easy City Pass" tickets.  
CLICK HERE to go to the Website for Public Transportation in Vienna (If the site is not in English, be sure to click on the tiny "English" button in the grey strip on the upper right corner of the page)

C)   City Sites & Tours Transportation:

There are numerous ways to explore Vienna! -- by foot, by bicycle, by bus, or by boat.  There are tours for city sights, local countryside excursions, or specific venues.  These are available for a few hours, half a day, all day or night, or for several days.

  • A good resource for tours you can arrange on your own is at Vienna City Tours
  • For a simple self-guided tour of the city, check out the "Hop-On-Hop-Off" Bus.   
  • For Tickets to Concerts, Shows, Cultural Events, Museums, Palace Tours, etc, go to www.ViennaConcerts.com
  • For Tickets to the Spanish Riding School (Home of the world-famous Lipizzaner Stallions), Click Here

To visit other local or regional cities for an afternoon, for the day, or for a quick overnight (Bratislavia, Krems, Graz, etc), the best deals can currently be found on the Flixbus Bus Line (located at the Wien Central Bus Station just outside the "U4 Erberg" U-Bahn Station)


How To Search & Book Hotels:

For easiest access to the "Some Like It Hot" Studios, you may consider looking for housing near the U6 line (which means you won't have to transfer trains to get there)

You can get great discount prices for travel, hotels, and local cultural events using online search engines, particularly if you book your flight and hotel together.  You can shop and compare at:   

Where to Stay:

There are many, many wonderful hotels, quaint bed & breakfasts, delightful pension's, and more budget-friendly hostels to stay at in Vienna.  For easiest access to the "Some Like It Hot" Studios, you may consider looking for housing near the U6 line (which means you won't have to transfer trains to get there)

We have done very well booking through AirBnB or Booking.com.  If you would like some other options, while I can't vouch for them myself, past participants have stayed at the following hotels, and have recommended them to future Waltz Week attendees. 

A.  Elegant Vienna Apartments: https://elegantvienna.com
Located in the center of the Old City, within walking distance to the Hofburg Palace and most places in central Vienna, these short term apartments are nicely appointed and quite affordable. The nine available apartments are centered around Judenplatz.  Check the website for prices and availability.  

B.  Pension Suzanne: http://goo.gl/maps/2C8tC
Located on the edge of the Old City, next to the famous Viennese State Opera House and about 15 minutes walking distance to Judenplatz.  Double rooms for a week, per night range from EUR 100,- for a standard room, 109,- for a larger double room to 119,- for a small suite (per room per night, including breakfast)

Walfischgasse 4, 1010 Wien
Tel.: +43-(0)1-513 25 07
Fax: +43-(0)1-513 25 00

C.  Hotel Wandl:  http://goo.gl/maps/4E62o
Single room standard prive per night: EUR 120,-, double room standard per night: EUR 160,- including breakfast, a better offer is available for people staying a whole week...

Petersplatz 9a, 1010 Wien
TEL:  +43-1-534 55-0
FAXL  +43-1-534 55-77

D.  Graben Hotel Wien:   http://goo.gl/maps/Io0ib
Single rooms from approx. EUR 100,- per night, double rooms start around EUR 120,- per night, depending on the length of the stay, including breakfast.

Dorotheergasse 3, A-1010 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 512 15 31-0

E.  OTHER OPTIONS:  There are dozens of other hotels and "pensionen" in the inner city, including some major hotel chains (e.g. the Mariott, Hilton, Best Western etc.).  All of these can easily be found on the various websites listed above (ie, hotels.com, kayak. com, expedia.com, tripadvisor.com) which can offer rates far below those that we could arrange. 

I recently found a nice listing HERE of hotels in the area. 

You may also consider looking at VRBO.com or AriBnB.com to see about renting a private room or pension in the area.  Several people did this in 2016 & 2019 with wonderful results.


If you are looking for a roommate or have any other questions about lodging that you would like to post to the group, or if you have any suggestions about tickets, places to stay, or great deals you found that you would like to share, please feel free use our "Waltz Week in Vienna" Facebook page for postings and discussions.


A terrific resource for exploring Vienna on your own, for learning more about what this beautiful city has to offer, for connecting to local customs & culture, and for wonderful & informative travel tips to get you started on your adventure in Vienna is the website:  www.vienna-unwrapped.com.  Here you can find a wide variety of pages expounding on such topics as: 

.....and MORE!

This is a great site -- informative, well-organized , and very easy to navigate.  Be sure to check it out!


Travel insurance is required for all of our trips and will help protect both your investment and our vendors should you need to cancel. There are many companies that offer travel insurance options. You can sign up with one such policy during the payment checkout portion of this registration.  If you are a AAA member, you may want to check with them.  I have also found that Faye insurance is very easy to purchase online (www.withFaye.com).  This WeTravel site also has a travel insurance policy you may purchase at checkout.

Once you have purchased your travel insurance, please let us know the company name and policy number you have with them.

If you don't have a policy already and don’t want to use the one offered at check-out here, feel free to CLICK HERE to purchase insurance through our affiliate company, World Nomads*.

*PLEASE NOTE:  We do not represent World Nomads.  As an affiliate, we receive a small commission when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link.  This is information only and not a requirement to buy travel insurance through this company.


  • Should you cancel less than 14 days of booking and greater than 180 days before the trip, you get a 100% refund of total cost minus a $150 admin fee.
  • Should you cancel after 14 days of booking and up to 180 days before the trip you will get a 50% refund of total cost minus the $150 admin fee.
  • Once we are within 180 days of the trip starting there are no refunds.
  • Note:  should you find someone to fill your spot, we can transfer your balance to them minus the $150 fee. Should you become sick or have other health or family-related issues, it’s highly likely the required travel insurance would kick in and reimburse you so be sure and check with your provider. 
  • It is the responsibility of the trip attendee to reach out in the event of a cancellation and make their payments on time. We reserve the right to hold payments according to the cancellation policy above to pay our vendors to make this trip happen. 
  • By making a deposit you agree to above terms of service and cancellation policy.



We exercise care in the selection of reputable travel service providers but we are not ourselves a provider of travel services and have no control over, or liability for, the services provided by third parties.  

In no event do we accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise, for any injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by the acts, omissions or default, whether negligent or otherwise, of third party providers over whom we have no direct control, force majeure or any other event which is beyond our control or which is not preventable by reasonable diligence on our part. We also do not accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise, for consequential loss (meaning indirect loss, loss of revenue, loss of reputation, loss of profits, loss of actual or anticipated savings, lost opportunities, including opportunities to enter into arrangements with third parties or loss or damage in connection with claims against you by third parties) howsoever caused in connection with your booking.

Risks of Travel and Release: 

We assume no responsibility for and shall not be liable for the acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under our control or any acts of God, unsafe conditions, terrorism, health hazards including pandemics, illness, weather hazards, or the suitability for a disabled person of any portion of any trip. We have no special knowledge of dangers during travel or at destinations. For information related to such dangers, we recommend going to the State Department travel website at travel.state.gov, click on "Find International travel Information" then click on "Country Information", and fill in the name of the destination country. 

For medical and health information, we recommend going to the Centers for Disease Control website at cdc.gov/travel, then click on "Destinations" and scroll to the name of the destination country. It is your personal decision to travel, and you are doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions with regards to the risks of COVID-19. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL OF THESE RISKS AND DANGERS, AND YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO FOREVER RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD US, AND OUR AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, ASSOCIATES, AFFILIATED COMPANIES, GUIDES, GROUP LEADERS, AND SUBCONTRACTORS HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTIONS, SUITS, CLAIMS, AND DEMANDS OF ANY AND EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER WHICH YOU NOW HAVE OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE RISKS AND Dangers.


The Viennese Quadrille (aka, the Quadrille Francais) is a French contradance of the 19th century that today is traditionally danced at Viennese Balls at or after midnight to the sounds of the Fledermaus Quadrille (op 363) by Johann Strauss. We will be learning this dance during several of our Waltz Week classes so that we can all participate in the midnight group dance during the Hofburg Palace Ball.  As it says (in German) on the Youtube page in the description of the video below, “perfection is not so important - it’s the being there that counts!”

CLICK HERE to learn the Fledermaus Quadrille (from the YouTube page)

What’s included

  • Dance Classes (14 hrs)
  • Welcome Dinner
  • Volksabend + Pizza feed
  • Boogie Baren Swing Night
  • Vienna Walking Tour
  • Group Activites
  • Fun Socials

What’s not included

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Ball Tickets
  • Travelors Insurance
  • Outside Meals
  • Outside Dances/Practices

Available Packages

6 left

To sign up as a couple, just mark that you are registering for 2 people where it asks you how many are in your party, then put in the required information for each person. 


If you are signing up as a single lead, please fill this form out.

6 left

If you are signing up as a single follow, please fill this form out.  Single follows will automatically be put on a waiting list until we have an even number of leads to match.  Booking with a lead will get you in right away.


For a “non-dancer” (usually the guest of a dancer) who would not be joining us for the dance classes, but would like to join us for the dinners, tours, evening parties, etc. You would still need to buy your Ball ticket separately if you would like to get into the Balls.


Available options


Friday, Feb 21, at the Hofburg Palace


Saturday, Feb 22, at the Rathaus.  


Days 1-8
Feb 16-23, 2025

*Please Note:  The agenda below is working draft.  Given the number of activities to choose from, the schedule may be changed according to the group's interests & what is available locally.

Sunday, Feb 16th: 

  • Doors to the "Some Like It Hot Ballroom" open, Meet & Greet!  1:00pm 
    • Sechshauserstraße 9, A-1150 Wien (Click Here for location and how to get there)
  • Official Welcome, Orientation, & Introductions, 1:15 pm (Please be on time!)
  • Opening Workshop with Ari & Christine, 2:15-4:15 ("Viennese Waltz" & "Quadrille, part 1")
  • Lecture on Viennese Balls & What to Expect, 4:15-5:00
  • Official Group Dinner & Social (Included with your Waltz Week package) 6:00pm    

Monday, Feb 17th: 

  • Morning Workshops, 10-12:00 ("Cross-step and Rotary Waltz; "Quadrille, part 2")
  • Group Lunch at Ari's favorite historic Bodega, 12:00-2:00pm
  • Walking Tour of Vienna's Old Town, Ending with Coffee & Cake at Vienna's Most Famous Coffee House (not to be missed!), 2:30-5:00pm
  • Dinner at Vienna's most famous Palace Restaurant, 6:00-7:30 
  • Social Dancing (TBA)

Tuesday, Feb 18th: 

  • Morning Workshops, 10-12:00 ("Swing, parts 1&2", "Quadrille, part 3")
  • Group Lunch at lovely historic Bodega, 12:00 - 2:00pm
  • Museums, Hofburg Palace Tour, Opera House Tour, etc. 2:00-4:30
  • Light Dinner/Snack at Historic Restaurant  4:30pm
  • Special Viennese "Folk-Dance" Class, 6:00-7:30pm  (Details TBA at orientation)
  • Dance Exchange with Local Folk-Dance School (a real highlight!), 7:30- 9:30 
  • Pizza Party Social 9:30-11:00pm

Wednesday, Feb 19th:

  • Morning Workshops, 10-12:00 ("Foxtrot & Laminu" prep for tonight's dance; "Quadrille, part 4")
  • Lunch at our favorite 600 year old Weinkeller, 12:30-2:30
  • Free Time to Explore Vienna
  • Dinner at Local Historic Restaurant,  6:00pm
  • Swing & Social Dance Exchange,  8:30-11:30pm  

Thursday, Feb 20th:  (FREE DAY For Exploring the Region)

  • [Optional] Good Morning Coffee at the Hotel Sacher (home of the famous "Sachertorte")
  • [Optional]  Visit the Nasch Market, Vienna's largest Outdoor Food & Flea Market 
  • [Optional]  Day hike through Vienna's outlying vineyards and lunch at traditional Biergarten
  • [Optional] Schonbrunn Palace Tour,
  • [Optional]  Day trip to Bratislava, Slovakia
  • [Optional]  Cultural Events as available (Concert, Theatre, Kafe Haus, etc)
  • [Optional]  Soak in the local Thermal Baths (Spa)
  • [Optional] Dance Exchange with Local Ballroom School 
  • [Optional] Ice Skating at the Rathaus (Seasonal).  Details at Rathaus Ice Skating 

Friday, Feb 21st:

  • Morning Workshop, 10-12:00  ("Cross-Step Waltz, parts 1&2", "Quadrille, part 5")
  • Lunch, 12:00-1:00  
  • Afternoon Workshops, 1:00-3:00 ("Salsa", "Cha Cha", & "Rumba", "Quadrille Review")
  • Relax, prep for Ball
  • Group Dinner & Social, 5:30pm, Palmenhaus Restaurant
  • "The Coffee Ball" at the Hofburg Palace, 8:00pm - 4:30am (Saturday morning).  See Ball page for more info.  (*Doors open at 7:30pm, the Opening Ceremony is at 9pm)

Saturday, Feb 22nd:

  • Sleep in!
  • Visit the Nasch Market, Vienna's largest Outdoor Food & Flea Market, Group Lunch 10:30-1:30
  • Afternoon Workshops, 2:00-4:00 ("Salsa", "Cha Cha", & "Rumba", "Quadrille Review")
  • Relax, prep for Ball
  • Dinner at famous historic Cafe near the Rathaus, 6:00-7:30
  • "The Berufsfeurwehr Ball" at the Rathaus, 7:30pm - 4:30am (Sunday morning).  See Ball page for more info.  (*Doors open at 7:30pm, the Opening Ceremony is at 9pm)
  • Survivors Breakfast, 5:00am (TBA)

Sunday, Feb 23rd  

  • Sleep in!
  • [Optional]  Lunch social at beautiful historic restaurant:  12:00-ish 
  • [Optional]  For those staying in town and interested going Swing Dancing this evening, there is a lovely free DJ'd dance in town from 8:30pm-1:00am. 


Other Waltz Week Activity Options:

Our choice of group activities, dining locations, cultural activities, etc, can be fairly flexible.  Much will be decided by the group on location.  Activities may include, but are not be limited to: 

  • Specialty Dance Workshops & Classes   
  • Extra Dance Practices, Group Outings
  • Attending Other Local Social Partner Dance Parties - Ballroom, Tango, Swing, Salsa, etc.  (Click Here for a schedule of options)
  • Exploring Vienna's Famous Kafeehaus's - Sacherhaus, Cafe Vienna,  (Click Here to learn more)  
  • Architecture Tour:  Hofburg Palace Tour, Belvedere Palace Tour, Schonbrunn Palace Tour, Opera House Tour
  • Group meals at famous local restaurants
  • Day trip to Bratislava, Slovakia (an hour by bus).  Tickets cost 10-15 Euro roundtrip on the Flixbus Bus Line (buses leave daily every 1-2 hours from the Central Bus Station, located just outside the U3 Erdberg U-Bahn station)
  • Visit Vienna's Thermal Baths
  • Visit Regional Hot Springs
  • Outdoor Ice-skating at the Rathaus Winter Wonderland Rink - Not to be missed!
  • Cultural Events (museums, concerts, theater, exhibitions, etc)
  • Lipizzaner Stallion show, or tour (Tickets must be arranged in advance)
  • Day hikes through Vienna's outlying vineyards and lunch at traditional Biergarten (weather dependent)
  • Click Here to check out a schedue of local Vienna Antique & Flea Markets (or "flohmarkt")  Please Note, the site is written in German only, but you can use Google Translator to change it to English

Your Organizer

Worldwide Dance Adventures
8 reviews
Joined in October 2023
See profile


I enjoyed the opportunity to travel to many cities & ports on a comfortable yacht. Swimming in the sea was amazing. The weather was too hot, perhaps June, July or Sept would’ve been better. The side excursions inland were exactly what we needed to relax and see the culture.
By Margaret S for Croatia Dance Adventure Cruise on Sep 09, 2024
This was an amazing trip. The most magnficent people: dance instructors, leaders, coordinators, cruise leaders, tour guides, boat crew, and other attendees. Everyone was fantastic. Made lifelong friends. It was so amazing to visit the places that we did. We had a dance lesson in the morning, a short sail to a port, amazing excursions, time to ourselves to explore new cities, then often regrouping with as a group to dance in at ports, in restaurants, and even IN a medieval castle (turned town square). These were memories of a lifetime. Highly recommend.
By Suzanne T for Croatia Dance Adventure Cruise on Sep 03, 2024
Great time meeting and dancing with a wonderful group
By Rick K for Harrison Hot Springs Dance & Spa Retreat on Jun 13, 2024
It was a wonderful trip. The resort was exceptional, clean and comfortable. The small town had lots of wonderful restaurants and a beautiful scenic waterfront. The classes and teachers were exceptional including wonderful dancing in the Copper Room.
By Steven S for Harrison Hot Springs Dance & Spa Retreat on Jun 12, 2024
Harrison Hot Springs feel like really getting away, yet it took less than 3 hours to get there, counting the border crossing. And the classes were great! It was wonderful to do tango, West Coast, NC2S, and fusion (my very favorite dances), all in 2 days. I love Ari's teaching style, emphasizing partner connection, fluidity, and musicality instead of rigid rules or over-analysis. It brings out the joy and freedom in dance. It was fun to be with a whole group of dancers for the weekend, too!
By Anne H for Harrison Hot Springs Dance & Spa Retreat on Jun 12, 2024
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