Featured Trips


Soul Medicine was a transformative experience for me. I'm feeling more connected, alive and safe in my body than I have in a long time. Everything is planned with so much love and intention, we were so well taken care of as we dove DEEP into our own persona; healing. Spending 8 days immersed in nature, in community, eating delicious plant based meals, disconnected from digital distractions, all under the guidance of Pia, Beto and Nura was truly a gift. I feel so lucky to have had this experience. I know that the insights will keep on rippling out into my life and world for a long time to come. Thank you for all you do.
By stella a for Soul Medicine - Transformational Psilocybin Retreat on Feb 11, 2025
It was a transformative experience, connecting you to your essence, appreciating everything you have and discovering your unique power. You leave the retreat full of gratitude, feeling that everything is possible in your life, ready to flow trusting the "master plan". Pia, Alberto, Nura and Julia are angels that make you feel safe and contained all the time. One of the best experiences of my life!
By Jose M for Soul Medicine - Transformational Psilocybin Retreat on Feb 11, 2025
This was one of the most important experiences of my life that profoundly changed me and launched a deep transformation within me and helped me to connect more authentically with others while embracing me for who I am. Amazing organizers, beautiful rituals and location made this everything and more that I was looking for.
By Marie H for Aruna - A Rite of Passage on Sep 03, 2024